Divergent Evolution

Sorry to be the naysayer, but these robots are using the same concept of locomotion that robotics have had since the beginning.

Clowns like you literally disprove ANY validity in a free market system.

We cant even balance an economy, but we can stabilize genetic modifcations and predict all possible mutations to deal with them before hand?

Hate to break it to ya, kid, but the majority of female streamers are just shameless sluts.

Nothing says racial equality like constantly defining yourself as different that other races....

Its very sad that humans have devolved to the point that they dont even understand morality.

As a young cook learning how to use a mandolin I cut the tips off my fingers many times. The one time I let it airy dry and scab up is the one finger I have a slant on the pad. all the other times I simply kept working long hours 7 days a week and it stayed moist as a result of always being in a finger cot and no

Unregulated greed combined with a massive immoral consumer base make concepts like a free market worthless. Consumers are supposed to regulated the free market with their wallets.

You must not actually be an adult if you think sexy DMs means you are immature.

People are short sighted and ignorant if they think ANY nation will use a publically hashed cryptocurrency.

They had better hope no one puts mirrors on their craft or thats a lot of wasted money.

Get over yourself you moron.

Why? Windows 10 is a steaming pile of app pushing shit.

This is getting ridiculous. If one of these weaponized accusation things done by women goes wrong in a big way at least we will get laws that make women PROVE they were assaulted before being allowed to go public.

Welcome to the Era of Idiocracy.

I guess we will find out once it is removed. Its hard to believe that Denuvo + VM simulation for an added protective layer wouldnt rek your cpu while playing a game though. I mean that is a lot of added calculations per tick.

Just wait a few more years, the entire world will be burning these terrorist symbols you call a flag.

How dislocated from reality do you have to be to understand that the government is corrupt and lies, yet still accept information from them like it is fact.

So he picked up the wrong signals one night, embarrassed himself, became a bit of a dick to the girl and now he is a rapist?

Pandering to casuals is rarely a good idea outside of mobile games.