Divergent Evolution

I wish people would keep this garbage out of games. It is his vision, it isnt real life and its a great game. Screw SJW and their redundant, selfish garbage. “And Nero fiddled as Rome burned”

Oh yeah, more ameritard propaganda games incoming!

Race baiting bullshit backed up by idiotic P-Hacking. You should be ahsamed to even consider yourself a person of integrity, let a lone a journalist, not that that means anything more than a click farmer these days.

Shame on you.

Are you people getting paid to push this cash grab or something? Skyrim has looked better than this, had more content than this for over 3 years thanks to mods. Remastered is a cash grab and a way to get you to ignore the fact that it takes them close to a decade to release new games, which are ALWAYS broken buggy

Entry level? Maybe we have different definitions of the term. Entry into the 10 series sure, but no 10 series card could EVER be considered entry PC level, imo.

What makes you think you should have them before everyone else? What even makes you think that website based reviews are still even viable? No one reads that shit. We watch lets plays and use trusted sources like Jim Sterling, not some corporate add soaked schill that probably didnt even play the game.

Reviews like

“And Nero fiddled as Rome Burned” These are non issues compared to the real ones our societies face today. I mean seriously “Virtual groping”?! Stop huffing those chai lattes you hipsters and spend your energy on REAL issues.

Well windows 10 itself doesnt matter, so not sure how anything they have said matters. Windows 10 is less of an operating and more of an app store that monitors your every click and send your data to dozens of add servers. Wake up “people”, dont feed the beast.

We will stop dressing as women if you stop drawing child pedophilia and making it legal (lolicon).

Cheating is how the world is run, young one. If it runs this mess irl, why not video games?

Well tbh no has trusted a website review for years and years. I look for lets plays mostly, not bone head reviews from paid capitalist website hipsters. So all in all, no one cares except corrupt website douche bags.

Fuck ameritards, learn your fucking place before real men put you in it. Filthy terrorists.

If violence was never the answer then police would not have weapons and nations would not have militaries. Yet another harmful lie told to children.

LGBTards, the only pieces of redundant meat so ignorant they yell in the streets about what they like to fuck in front of children all the while marching past starving and homeless people

Lol guy needs to get his head out of his ass, in no way does this warrant 40k, or the cost of s fucking mid grade car......

A nation designed for profit before people is not a civilized nation. Wake up, ameritards.

Ameritards, smh. You do realize no one buys your snake oil anymore right and you are the joke of the planet right?

This must mean that the devs have finally mastered the fine art of BALANCE........seriously how can people get worse at a developing skill like computer programming and CG art?

The game industry is one of the biggest moral failures of our entire economic system imo. No back up from actual consumer law, no quality

Lol, nobody cares what the WHO thinks or says. Just another fascst control mechanism to manufacture perception.

E sports are retarded.