Divergent Evolution

So? Do we now think that products only last for a couple of years because that is the limit of our abilities? Products last for short periods to promote consumption and therefore long term profits.

We could make data storage that lasts for millions of years, but because it is not profitable yet, you dont get any. As

People do realize that the internet doesnt work for its modern purpose right? It was not developed to be secure in its data transit, it was an intranet,a closed system. That was its security.

Nintendo hasnt been relevant to the adult gaming market since the gamecube. SO unless they plan on shifting their entire game development ideology they have no hope of succeeding like the big boys do.

The Switch appeals to 10yo kids and man babies on a nostalgia trip, not the biggest market. Unless Nintendo evolves

Fuck you and your company. If you are american you have no right to profit anymore. The world is done with you fascists and terrorists.

So what, fuck him. Directors are a dime a dozen and Reynolds has been in enough movies to know what is good and what will work. It is Reynold’s project, do it as he likes or gtfo.

Good, fuck the USA.

There are many valid reasons to get an abortion, imo. Not wanting a child is not one of them, that is what adoption is for. Deformity is a very valid reason to have an abortion though.

People make their relationships what they are. If you want to avoid toxic relationships, then dont tolerate them, move on, get a life outside of the opposite sex ffs.

If I was a 10yo kid I would be stoked right now......

IP, patents , copyrights, trademarks, all these are simply tools of profit. They do not promote innovation, in fact they stifle it, they do not entice business (as long as there are 2 pennies to rub together for profit, business is enticed). They are a failed mechanism of an even bigger failure of an economic system

....yeah thats what OTHER games are for.

Yes, lets treat toxic people like they are the problem instead of doing the right thing and treating the environment that enables them to be toxic. You see, people will kind of adapt, its what we do. Some adapt differently than others, some will turn toxic just to fit in with those around them that are already toxic.


Dont you mean Lawnmower man 3?

Thank the actual black panthers for being a bunch of terrorists and racists.

Tesla was powering light bulbs a mile away wirelessly almost 100 years ago. Just because it is surpessed doesnt make it new or innovative. We could all have wireless cell phone charging as well, it is only 5v 3a which is easily broadcasted and harmless to humans. Why isnt it? Wireless power cannot be metered and

So what? It is his right and your own very media system is based on back and forth attacks and discredits of opponents. Ever get the feeling you are spending energy on time on shit that doesnt matter and wont fix any of our real problems?

Can we not just petition this moron developer to go back into his obscurity closet and stop begging for money to make shit games?

Businesses are the ones that need skilled labor, businesses should be the ones forced to fund the entire post high school education system. It is blatantly corrupt to make a civilian pay for ANY form of an education.

ANd we are surprised that politicians from the most hostile, aggressive, destructive nation on the planet are violent poeople?

If originality was a universal constant life itself would not exist. Get off your hipster redundancies, if it is a good system, use it. Copies? who cares, in the real world it is called innovation when it doesnt suck.

Get over yourselves, life itself is not original and neither are we.