
Yes seriously. Once they are habituated the ONLY answer is to kill them and the DNR in every state I know of happens to agree with that opinion. They are now animals that actively associate people with food and are no longer natural. Filthy, disgusting, destructive, aggressive, disease carrying animals that now no

Raccoons are only good for fertilizing the garden after a .22 to the head. We’ve got some idiot neighbors who think it is a good idea to feed them. Unfortunately I can’t shoot the neighbors.

So the lessons to take away:

I really hope the NCAA tells them where to stuff it but I also am too jaded to actually believe they will.

I feel that someone missed out on an opportunity here to use the different colors to create some sort of pixel art.

Hey that’s valuable scrap. :) I swapped out water heaters in my house a few years ago. I rolled the old one out to the curb the night before trash day, went back inside to grab the other pieces parts of cut-off pipe and such from the basement and returned not even two minutes later to find that someone had already

I just love the picture painted of drunken concealed carry holders going wild at an SEC game. Drinking while carrying under the new law is still a felony just like it was before no matter where you are carrying. Your rowdy drunk football fans with guns scenario is pure and utter bullshit and the truly terrible part is

I’ll be the contrarian in the room. I bought an Anova and a vacuum sealer and have tried it almost a dozen times and have never once had a meal turn out as good as it would have been simply thrown on the grill. I understand the concept but in practice it simply doesn’t work, you end up with very weird textures that

I’ll be the contrarian in the room. I bought an Anova and a vacuum sealer and have tried it almost a dozen times and

It really doesn’t matter what type of headphones they were at all. They were described as noise cancelling which generally means headphones powered by AA batteries.

I had a 2000 GT-S. Do not miss that shit-box one bit.

I live in one of those green areas. Know what? U-Verse only works at all for about 1 out of every 5 houses in my neighborhood because it has to ride on the phone lines put into the ground almost 40 years ago. When they put it in I tried it, most of my neighbors tried it and most of us went back within a couple of

Pretty sure that’s a turbo.

Oldest vehicle for me would be a ‘51 Ford 8N my family used to have to mow with. That thing was bullet proof, I know my dad and I put hundreds of hours on it over the course of 7 or 8 years and he ended up selling it for more than he paid.

Where does that leave Buick? Aren’t about half of the vehicles sold in NA by Buick badge engineered Opels? I know the Regal and Cascada are for sure.

I remember these arguments at the time as well. The Jaguar was clearly superior in performance to the Genesis and Super Nintendo, both aging 16-bit platforms at that point, and all the bitching and moaning about how not all the processors were 64-bit did not change that.

Lyft is a paid advertiser on the site. And Lyft hasn’t gotten on their bad side by the CEO supporting the president, something that seems to be the mark of death as far as these sites are concerned. For instance Tesla could do no wrong until Musk supported Trump and now they can do no right.

I actually had a Jaguar. It was clearly superior to the other consoles in graphics and speed but the game selection was pretty abysmal. I still have fond memories of Brutal Sports Football though. I seem to recall that part of the problem was that Atari was charging out the ying-yang for the developer kit. So not only

Many fish have species unique internal structures in their eyes. This is especially common in scorpionfish, it is often the way you can tell different species apart when the body shape is nearly identical.

A few years back we were out in Denver for Great American Beer Festival and in the van on a drive between breweries we drove past a BMW dealer who had a red M1 sitting outside the service center. Everyone else in the van thought I was nuts when I insisted we turn around and go back so I could look at the car. Big old