
If you asked me to come up with a worse design I’m not sure I could.

At least they’ve defined what is and is not allowed and it has solidified a bit, although the information isn’t terribly easy to find.

It’s how I did my newest car and I truly appreciate the dealer leaving the drill-through-the-bumper plate holder in the trunk instead of pre-installing it for me. Now if I ever sell the car to a state with reasonable plate laws I can just pull the tow hook mount off, put the plug back in and have a nice clean bumper.

For me it is pretty simple and I think this is your most common answer, I now value my time more than the money. The 4-5 hours a week I used to spend wrenching on my autocross car or friends’ cars I now spend making healthy dinners and in the gym which I need a lot more than I used to. I’ve got the money to have

I’ve got to go with the Celica Action Package. It not only looks like crap it also was the subject of one of the worst advertising schemes in the history of cars. “Looks fast”

It’s a Renault Sport Spider, they used to be part of a one make race series that traveled with Formula 1.

Best/worst at the same time is easy for me. My E60 M5. There were plenty of times I felt like tossing a flare into the back seat and watching it burn or leaving it in a bad neighborhood with the doors unlocked. But then there were the times when it actually ran correctly. Pushing that little M button and listening to

Never understood the folks who manage to drop their phone in the toilet myself. However there is absolutely no reason they couldn’t have done both.

I’ve got one that seems to be a universal truth. Do they have a Jesus fish on the back of their car? Bad driver. On the flip side people with Darwin fish are almost as universally bad.

You never know. Once in a very long while Apple admits “Hey we fucked this up maybe we should fix it”. I don’t actually expect them to do it this time but they have to recognize their stupid decision IS costing them sales and the correct answer is to backtrack and fix it rather than keep trying to tell people they’ve

But will it bring back a headphone jack?

Ohio temporary tag #E363630 on a 2016 white Ford Fusion. Guy seems out of it enough that maybe he hasn’t stolen another car or plate yet. His cell phone last pinged near Erie, PA.

The Bolt was released? GM has done a FINE job of marketing it I guess.

Favorite plug strip maybe? I’d go with that because that is essentially all these are. If I want to protect my gear I sure wouldn’t be using any of these three because none of them will actually protect anything. There were a lot of nominations for Panamax, Tripplite and even Furman which is usually aimed more at

Favorite plug strip maybe? I’d go with that because that is essentially all these are. If I want to protect my gear

If you care about your equipment it will be on a power conditioner and depending on how bad your power is where you live it can make a big difference in audio and picture quality. I’m very fond of my Panamax, mine is a many years old and long discontinued 5100-EX model which I love, the current model MR5100 would

If you care about your equipment it will be on a power conditioner and depending on how bad your power is where you

We’ve got two of them, a Hero 2 and a Hero 4 Black. The 4 was a HUGE upgrade over the 2 but when the 5 came out there was absolutely no incentive for me to upgrade again and like you said that is their big problem. The 4 was just too good, I’m not sure I’ll ever need to upgrade again unless it breaks.

I think the most amazing part of the story is that you can buy a T-69 for $37,000 on eBay. I’ve apparently been looking for entirely the wrong commuter vehicle.

Quite the variety for sure. I must know more about that car that looks like it started life as an Isetta though.

We’d probably die. We’d almost certainly die earlier than we would on earth. We’d definitely face significant unknown health issues. Possible starvation or who knows what else. But my wife and I would also sell our house, cash in our investments and go tomorrow if we could.

The only thing I see that might give validity to this statement from the California Department of Insurance