
I have fond memories of taping 1/2A rocket motors to my Lego men.

Well, you can simply look at the list of degrees and see why they want a union. There isn’t a single degree there that qualifies you to be anything other than a tenured professor or barista or Gawker blogger.

Do you know what HR people in companies who have some plants that are union and some that are not wish they were allowed to tell the union employees? “You’d be making more money and actually have better benefits if you were at one of the non-union plants.”

Quick search in the Cleveland area shows dealers around here still asking MSRP or even above even when they still have multiple 2016s on their lot. Somehow I’m not surprised, I really need to shop outside this area for my next car.

Wait...a hatch strut in a Yugo still works? Who knew that eastern block hatch struts were such high quality. Of course it could just be that the hatch weighs all of three pounds so the strut really isn’t doing any work.

Standard contract language and I’m not surprised by the NDAs portion of this at all. I am surprised they got nailed with Copyright infringement and false designation and somehow not with trade secrets. That’s the part that doesn’t make any sense to me. Not sure how exactly you do one or both of the former without also

For those wondering what actually happened and unable to get it from this poorly written article. Occulus was found not to have misappropriated ZeniMax trade secrets however they were found to be in violation of NDAs, copyright infringement and false designation. A rather weird result that doesn’t seem to mesh

If you believe the accounting both Etihad and Qatar are actually profitable even without the subsidies they receive. Not saying I actually believe the accounting on that one. South African Air hasn’t actually turned a profit in 6 years but Singapore Air, which is profitable, is also an immensely better experience than

All --US based— airlines are crappy. And most of the European ones as well. However I’ve flown on South African and Qatar airways and had wonderful experiences. Our flight to the Maldives on Qatar was not only roomy, with good food and super polite service it was also about the same cost as a flight to the Caribbean

I drove a 1985 Capri back in college. Bought it from my father for $300. My father hit a deer with it and the body shop who rebuilt the front end put the letters on the hood wrong. The CARPI was not a good car but it got me around. Unfortunately I never did get around to turning it into CRAPI before I sold it.

I’m not quite able to make out the label maker warning on the dash. Anyone got it? I think I read “WARNING 6 BABES PER WAGON” If that is the case then I think I’m even more worried about what you would catch sitting in that seat.

I actually saw this in action once while visiting LA. Lady started the pump going, got on her cell phone, and sat back down in the driver’s seat. Heard the noise of the pump shutting off and just started the car and drove away. Last I saw of her she was driving down the road in her SLK with a hose dragging behind her

Well Zuck’s was right, the stories and headlines have been misleading. As others have already said if Zuck wants to sue me so he can give me money for land I probably didn’t even know I had title to he can feel free.

Unfortunately it doesn’t look like it died with those assault on the eyes gold rims it had previously. Maybe someone already helped the world and melted those monstrosities down.

Wanted to see the doors actually open. Did not see. I wonder how the rear doors hold up with their entire upper frame cut away, they aren’t the sturdiest feeling doors in the world before you cut half of it off.

I still kind of miss my M5. Then I think about the repair bills and TCO on the thing and don’t miss it as much.

Way back in high school I dated a girl who had a red Fiat X1/9. It was an Ohio car, so had considerable added lightness when she bought it. She must have dumped four times the cost of the car into the rust repairs and paint job and it was a beautiful little car when it was done, still slow and handled not nearly as

Because rental car.

My story of hell starts in Newark as I’m sure many do. Are you familiar with the tarmac delay provisions in the 2009 passenger bill of rights? There were three specific flights used as examples during the hearings before congress that led to that particular portion of the document. One of them was an August flight