
This. I wish my E60 had been as cheap to own as an E39 would be. We paid $24k for ours, put over $16k into maintenance and repairs into it in 32 months of ownership and sold it for $13.5.

Looks like he put fewer scratches on the rim than the chain tire shop with their $5000 machine did with mine the last time I was silly enough to trust them.

I work for a company that is bidding on being a raw material supplier for the new giga-factory. If we could get 40% margin for that product from anyone we’d be over the moon. When you’re talking about a factory that is intended to scale to the point where it would use 120% of the entire world’s current output of

3:54. Why yes I would love to stand on the outside of an off camber 4th gear turn to spectate. I’m sure this barb wire fence will protect me if something goes terribly wrong. Apparently Kiwi rally fans are more nuts than Norwegian ones.

The crown of thorns outbreak currently happening on the northern GBR has a much bigger impact on corals than any bleaching event that has or ever will happen. And that’s one that actually could be fixed, just stop using so damn much fertilizer on the crops. For those interested

Come now. You are a professional journalist\blogger. Work that alliteration a bit more.

Dang it blue, how could you let me down like that?

Her attorney did the right thing and the DA did her a favor. She 100% would have been convicted of the felony which she is clearly guilty of if she hadn’t pled it down. The MLive article includes additional details like her lying to the reporter that the road didn’t have a sidewalk on the south side of the road, which

Up until the Russian airliner got blown up we were still considering doing a live aboard dive trip to the Red Sea, you could fly into Sharm El-Sheikh and avoid the risky overland trek from Cario. Now that trip is off the list entirely.

Upscaling is so bad you’re better off tossing your whole DVD collection than watching it on this TV

Well that update at the end is just depressing, this last winter they couldn’t find enough bats left to try the treatment on which would seem to indicate that even if it works it may already be too late.

Here in NE-Ohio the brown bats are essentially gone which is a real shame. MetroParks has a bat house in the wetlands near my house which had an estimated fifty thousand bats hibernating in it back in 2010. I remember reading that by 2013 there were seven, not seven thousand, seven. I can remember sitting outside over

What’s the current M5 like on fuel economy in the real world? I know my now departed 2006 never topped 15MPG even on the highway and would return under 10 if I was having fun with it. EPA rating was 14/17 back then for what it is worth but real world I never came close to that. I’d think the turbo V8 would be a lot

I only get to hear his complaints and sometimes one side of the phone calls but I’m pretty sure it already went as high up the chain as it could get. Best that anyone up the corporate chain would do is cover the cost of the actual throw out bearing and the labor. Both the dealer’s tech and the regional representative

He’s been driving nothing but manual transmission cars for almost 25 years. Even if you had no clue how to drive a manual I’m not sure you could destroy one this badly in less than 1100 miles, the throw out bearing was in pieces and it damaged the clutch and flywheel as well.

I’d suspect my co-worker whose 2016 Accord Coupe is sitting at a dealership with 1100 miles on the odometer and a disintegrated throw out bearing which Honda has deemed they will not cover under warranty but he’s been here all day.

I dated a girl in high school who had one. Car was a hoot, girl was a psychopath.

I just find it funny that proponents of this made up disease actually say that it is often misdiagnosed as fibromyalgia, another made up disease.

It all sounds so simple, and then you hit some real gut punches. Who sets that scientifically-determined sustainable catch limit (you’ll get different answers depending on which country’s scientists you ask and, shocker, not all scientists are unbiased)? And who allocates who gets which portion of that limit,

His live show was amazing, I encourage everyone to go if it is in your city. When we saw him live not only did he do the carbonated ice cream he also brought out his industrial Easy-Bake oven. Unfortunately we didn’t have seats close enough to get to sample but the smell of the pizza filled the auditorium and really