
Until this video I did not know that a targa GT40 existed. Now I do and I’m much happier.

My desire for that 2000 GT-R is very strong. I especially desire to hear what that engine sounds like screaming through those triple side drafts.

The Premium BRZ always existed under the Limited. When they came out a Premium BRZ was still $2000 more than the FR-S was. No it didn’t have the dual zone climate control or leather seats but it was still nicer than the FR-S on the inside. It also had and still has better headlights, better stereo and better nav

Do they still call them hipsters in New Zealand?

It is truly amazing how quickly people’s attitude changes after you file a police report for theft against them from another state and they get a visit from the not so nice officer. Had to do that myself once, not for anything this expensive in my case it was a few hundred dollar switch-a-roo.

I can just imagine how Uber would screen for what may or may not be undiagnosed schizophrenia.

When they first came out the FR-S was ~$2000 cheaper than you could pick up the BRZ and you had to decide if the HID headlights, better stereo, better navigation and much nicer interior on the BRZ was worth that extra $2k. I was going to buy the BRZ myself (until another car interrupted that purchase) because at that

You should maybe mention a choice for flat speaker wire, like a lot of people I have to run along the baseboard to my rear channels and the flat wire will actually squeeze between the carpet and the baseboard and be almost totally hidden. The flat stuff that monoprice sells is only 16gauge and I don’t remember where I

But what was the ET?

I am done. Your magic map exists and he referenced it. You’ve got it all figured out. Look I don’t know how the man did it but he did and I don’t think it is magic, maybe he is just way better at looking around at geological features or plant growth and guessing at what is underground. You obviously know absolutely

I know this is a budget minded project but it should be mentioned that you can usually get pre-bent stainless line kits for pretty much any vehicle in the $200-250 range. Quick search found one for your Cherokee at $220. Personally I’d spend the bit extra, I never want to skimp on the brakes.

When the gun store around the corner from me got hit they used a different method. Throw the stolen minivan into reverse through the doors hop out, grab the guns, hop into the getaway car, gone. From the time the minivan pulled into the parking lot until they were out of the store and on their way was less than 2

400HP. Belt drive. This just does not sound like a good idea.

Sometimes I miss that. Nah, actually I don’t miss the bullshit politics and continuous rule changes at all. I do miss the people though.

Look vapers, here is the deal, I didn’t want your smoke around me when it was tobacco and I sure as shit don’t want your bubblegum scented Chinese sourced cancer juice around me either. If you aren’t allowed to smoke in a place don’t vape there either. You are plain and simple an asshole if you do not follow this rule

My mom had an ‘88 turbo coupe, that same blue color too. Automatic transmission though so it made a lot less HP than the manual did, I think the automatic cars only made 150HP instead of 190HP because Ford’s crop of 1980s craptastic 4 speed autos couldn’t reliably handle the additional power. I still remember that

Wasn’t the R-Class a luxury minivan? Or was it a luxury wagon? Or was it a luxury tallish wagon crossover thingy? Ah heck, it doesn’t really matter as it was a sales failure.

So, 97,100 tons leaked. And the entire industry and the crappy infrastructure leaks “millions of tons a year”. So this is at worst less than a 10% increase compared to a normal year of leakage. Not exactly the environmental disaster you are portraying it as. It was a problem for sure and it sucks for the people who

Nobody is buying them because all of the systems introduced so far are unreliable and crazy expensive at this point in time. That iP1 cost $1798 and is a .22 pistol, so essentially useless for self-defense. The technology is completely unworkable as implemented, 12 seconds from picking up the gun to first shot when