
Interesting article and it will prompt me to try to find some place to sample Mezcal around the Cleveland area to see the difference from a good Tequila. I do have to say though that good Tequila is just as worthy of a snifter as any other spirit is and if you are shooting it you are drinking the wrong Tequila.

Watched a little further, 3000 units for a total of 1250kw, I thought most mining rigs ran a heck of a lot more than 415 watts.

1250kw and an $80,000 a month bill means they are still paying almost 9 cents a kwh. That electricity cost seems rather high for rural China doesn't it? But then again for the scale of that operation 1250kw seems pretty low.

My first ever experience with being called for jury duty I drew the short straw here in Ohio and got called for grand jury duty. So with grand jury the "invite" comes registered mail, so they know you got it, unlike with normal jury duty where it is just a letter in the mail (at least here in Ohio). So, I show up to

I can however type in complete sentences. Prove your assertion, what industry wants or needs this beast? What possible market is there for this thing other than upgrading legacy systems that exist solely because nobody has moved them off of mainframes?

And yet for some reason those same execs that mostly recognized that the service side was WAY more profitable and dumped their PC and x86 server businesses where they simply couldn't compete dumped a reported $1B into developing this product that nobody wants. That's just dumb. When the industry as a collective

Good restaurants already offer their tipped staff health insurance, 401K and if you are a good server the income is very steady. I know that I'd like to make 40-400% more than I claim on my taxes and not give Uncle Sam his cut and it seems like every tipped position on the planet feels the same.

Yes Google bought Word Lens last year. It is when the language packs for Word Lens became free. I figured it would get bundled into a Google product soon. It really is an awesome feature for an app, I've used it several times while in restaurants abroad without a data connection to translate menu items for me.

And THIS ladies and gentlemen is why IBM is dead as a hardware company. A product nobody wants to do a job that can be better done by any number of other solutions for what is likely to be a whole heck of a lot less. Their only customers will be industries living in the past, banks, hospitals and the US government.

They plan to publish on schedule next week. The edition will be only 8 pages as opposed to the normal 15-20 and will be printed in a run of 1,000,000 as opposed to their normal 60,000.

Maybe some fact checking would be good so you don't get your weapons mixed up? The $8000 guns are Tracking Point's AR variants, they've been for sale for a year or more now. They're amazing weapons but not the one you are talking about. The Mile Maker, just a prototype right now, is expected to cost north of

They use their own ammo, they call it 338TP and it is a modified .338 Lapua Magnum round. So essentially it is all hand loads.

Either works, and apparently there is no brain to be functioning this morning. I actually meant the E60 M5 though.

This one is easy. E90 M5. Wonderful to drive, terrible to own.

For most of my non-automotive friends I explain that things are pretty simple. CEL on, that's emissions and you can usually ignore it unless you are due for e-Check, if you don't want to ignore it go to Autozone and get the code pulled and they'll tell you the $30 part that will fix it and I'll teach you how to

Appears to crash much less than the last VNX array I was forced to work with, good for EMC.

So rental car plates died out for a while, but they've recently come back. This is especially evident in Colorado, where the rental cars all have bright red license plates that say "FLEET" on the side, as if to tell everyone: I am an idiot tourist. Please murder me and steal my fanny pack. Also: which way to the

We flew Qatar Airways from Philly to Doha to Male for vacation last month and the quality of service even in coach is amazing. I wish they flew more destinations because I'd fly with them anywhere.

As an E60 M5 owner who thought $24k for that car was obviously a better choice than $24k for a new BRZ I can definitely feel this article. 500HP vs 200HP. Heated leather seats that automatically hug you in the corners vs cloth seats. 12.8 MPG when I drive it fairly gentle vs maybe 25 MPG when I'd trash the living

I love the Pygmies. You have to be very careful when photographing them as the corals are extremely delicate and if you manage to kill the coral the seahorses will die too. A simple touch can remove the protective slime from the coral and it will sometimes die within days from infection.