
Early in the project when the street was nearly 100% abandoned buildings, when they started the building at the far end of the street had an Irish pub and some apartments up stairs and that was about it.

On the plus side once automotive traffic was blocked off the restaurants along the street were able to expand their outdoor seating. I thought it was an interesting experiment when they tried it, the lack of curbs and different colored bricks do make for a much more friendly street but I didn't think it would

Cleveland tried this with East 4th St. Stayed that way for about six months and then they setup the bollards at either end of the block and closed it to automobile traffic completely. People in the US are just too terrible and inattentive of drivers for this to work IMO.

This just doesn't seem that impressive to me from a tuning perspective. Aren't folks getting nearly that WHP rating out of the engine without a pulley change?

Maha MH-C801D

Maha MH-C801D

I've never been to Kansas City's airport but have been to the other 7 most of them multiple times. Out of the others Newark Philly, Dulles and LaGuardia all blow chunks but LaGuardia is by far the worst of those for me because the whole place never left the late 60s and it has the worst gate ordering of any airport

My vote is still for the Eneloop Pros but I have to say I'm surprised that any of the choices that made the final list were non-LSD type batteries. I might have put the MAHA Imedions on my list of the top 3 but I definitely wouldn't have put any non-LSD battery on it. I own some Imedions and they are still used, in

My vote is still for the Eneloop Pros but I have to say I'm surprised that any of the choices that made the final

People keep nominating some of the nicest airports in the US. Denver? Good food and beer and security that is super easy to get through. Atlanta? One of the best laid out airports in the world especially considering its size and number of flights. LAX, O'Hare? While neither is a place I enjoy spending time in

Eneloop Pro, formerly Eneloop XX. The only real contest here might be between Eneloop Pros and the normal 1900 mAh Eneloop but I go with the Pros in my strobes because they seem to cycle just a bit faster than the normal Eneloops do and I get about 30% more shots before they run dry.

Eneloop Pro, formerly Eneloop XX. The only real contest here might be between Eneloop Pros and the normal 1900 mAh

Rich enough to afford four figures worth of drone and camera gear but dumb enough to not know radio signals don't go through rock.

Wait, where did Doug find a place to meet women that didn't require pants to get in?

15 times more likely to have an accident than at a US based nuclear plant. So still safer than coal fired plants then?

The shell mounds get left behind no matter if the whole thing is torn out or not, stupid argument that makes no sense. The capped well is left behind no matter if the whole thing is left behind or not and the potential for leaks is still there, stupid argument that makes no sense. Drag nets already have to go around

Here in Cleveland they've been digging what the sewer district calls bypass tunnels which are more reasonably called "Shit tunnels" out under the bed of the lake for a few years now. The theory is that the 40' diameter five mile long tunnels will fill up with overflow when it rains and the processing plant will pump

How well does the NYC combined system deal with rain storms? Does it have the capacity to deal with most everything short of Sandy or is it like here in Cleveland where the combined system dumps directly into Lake Erie every time we get more than an inch of rain in a 24 hour period?

Activity tracker that can't track my swimming would think I'm a couch potato. But then again none of the other products do it so why should Apple innovate?

Yikes. How many millions spent on the stadium and they didn't hire a decent structured cabling company, or even just someone who has a basic concept of cable management, to cable their data center?

Why oh why is the word BRAKE so hard? When your brakes break you don't brake.

First hit on a Google search was one in Carmel CA in March of this year. I'd guess that with a bit more searching you could answer your own question and find one within the last two months. LNG facility fires\explosions are a fairly common occurrence.