
We aren’t using monospaced fonts, you’re not using a typewriter, it’s a single space after a period. Period.

All of this sounds like someone who doesnt work in an office.  No one gives a shit about any of these things.  No one is laughing at the Olds for saying Presentation instead of Slide Deck.

Oh no.

The Space Dick rocket is also a metaphor for the company and its owner.

Yeah... I don’t really understand this arms race. What’s next, using a chemical reaction to propel the projectile? We’ve already done this.

This sort of track is what makes it hard to keep my wife involved in F1.

Stolen from an Instagram comment I saw earlier:

“It’s rights out and away we go!”

What you have to understand about Conservatism is at its core, it is about preserving an in-group protected by the law but not bound by it, and an out-group bound by the law but not protected by it.

He's identifying the client's class in the hierarchy.

Rolling coal when a person is in the vicinity and when the individual rolling coal intentionally or knowingly causes that excess exhaust to contact that bystander is AT A MINIMUM an assault. They are causing their vehicle to “spit” on a living, breathing, human being that is worthy of dignity and not having his or her

My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.

I’ll never understand why people call these games “free.” If you have to pay for a service in order to receive them, they aren’t free. The games you receive with XBLG and PS+ are not free. The games you receive with Amazon Prime are not free. You only receive them if you pay for a subscription. You don’t get them

$11,500?! I’ll give you $3,000...maybe.

I gave you a star because I enjoy chaos and you are basically acting like a crazy person yelling at squirrels.

Take a deep breath. Grab a Snickers. Go for a walk. Clear your head. Maybe try meditation. Then never come back.

Sorry your life sucks so much right now that you feel the need to irrationally lash out over an article that actually gives some information.

I have a Miata as one of my fleet. Simply couldn’t do without it. I love being able to hop in, throw the top back, and zoom across town before most people get to the end of their street. But not the best choice as an only car.

This is a fantastic comment. Underrated regardless of how many stars it ends up with. 

you know they just passed a law mimicking texas right because theyre all in a hurry to outscumbag each other.