
Are you just trying to get people to star this post for you?

You’d be suprised how many things people don’t instinctively know

Put down the kool-aid, bro.

I will continue to argue that this was one of the most harmful articles Kotaku could have written about the whole thing:

And many multiples lower than when he was screaming “hodl” while he and his buddies sold off their stock.

Watching Grosjean drive like mad on the last ~15 laps was absolutely the best part of that race and fantastic to watch. Still can’t believe that move on Johnson didn’t take them both out.

predictably comments are full of rubes who got suckered into the meme stonks defending the guy.

Given how he treats his characters, that assessment isn’t too far from the mark.

Finally I agree with Toto on something. Waste of time, except that Daniel Ricciardo won the main race, so the outcome was great.

It’s subtle, but this:

So don’t use mobile auth and just set up email 2FA which MSA supports? Why shit all over an alternative you don’t HAVE to use when your preferred method already exists?

Except in some cases 2FA over email is just as bad as SMS. You don’t have to use your phone if you get a hardware token like a yubikey,etc. Then you’re having to roam around with your keychain, which for me is worse than my phone.

You’re coming at Jason?  Really?

I did say “to some degree.” That includes zero degrees.

I don't think anyone has ever accused Torch of being a journalist before. He writes the fun puff pieces that everyone on this site really likes. Settle down.

So... 3rd Life?

Quick question, and really this is a minor quibble in the grand scheme of things...

That’s...that’s a pretty dumb colloquialism. I’m all for replacing outdated and senseless sayings, but the replacement really should try to make more sense than what it’s replacing. Saying “caught red handed” or “caught clear as day” aren’t great, but “caught in 4K” is just as bad and, therefore, is unnecessary.

Every time I hear about this game it still seems like the industry’s greatest grift

For you older folks and people not in the know, Tesla cameras don’t record in 4k as far as I know. “Caught in 4k” is a colloquialism for getting caught on camera.