
Anyone who wasn’t expecting this when fuckaberg bought this is deluded.

12 yards long, 2 lanes wide,
65 tons of American Pride!

A true bargain is one that stays that way after you buy it.

My sons see these in his shop almost daily (Euro shop on the edge of a lower income area) and tells me horror stories about these from people who buy them used for $5-10k and enjoy a variable-length honeymoon. They’re great - until they aren’t. Several a month make the trip from the shop down the street to Pick and

I’d steer clear, for two reasons, as I work on shit like this all the time.

1. The 5R55 transmission sucks. They blow up at the drop of a hat.

2. These, and their Explorer brethren eat rear wheel bearings like Skittles, and they are a bitch (read expensive) to replace.

The engine is brilliant, and the rest of the car

Obviously this is a NP because it’s clean, has low miles, the market is bonkers, yadda yadda.

Oh, god no.

If that is all she does with this sequel then I’m all for it.

She’s too busy with her new job murdering people on Twitter

First time encountering German cuisine?

Sorry if I offended you RustyBolts, from your comment I understand that I was stating the obvious to you? I did not mean to offend you with it as that was not my intention. I was just trying to say that for me the range is the only issue. My thinking was that others may not like/take issue with it for the looks or the

Viewing the grays is broken, I don’t see this user’s reply outside of my notifications(hitting view pending doesn’t work either), but it was a decent reply. Jalopnik/Kinja, please consider fixing this.

For help visualizing, this is the dent it left:

They might get compensation without a lawsuit. The cops will have insurance to cover their stupidity.

Fortunately, the lawsuit would be an easy slam dunk and worth pursuing. There were multiple violations made by the police to cause the incident. 

This is a brilliant idea, so naturally, it will never happen.

It’s not monopoly if I can’t flip the board over while screaming and storm out of the room.

Can we just hire Levar Burton and get it over with?

Or, everyone should register their garage as a church. I can’t believe it’s a high bar to clear.

I mean, these giant mods always seemed like a good way for people to build a portfolio rather than actually release a mod, so good for them