
Am I curmudgeon for immediately thinking of all the wasted aviation fuel just to stroke the ego of a rich girl?

“If we want to know more, there IS more to know. Buy a book.”

They dropped the hint, asking rhetorically “what if the entities stay awake?” Looks like they do. If we want to know more, there IS more to know. Buy a book.

Well ACTUALLY the Expanse universe clearly has sound in space. Can't have sound without a medium, which rules out it being a vacuum, so...

The new Novella is called Sins of Our Fathers. It can mean a LOT of things, but that seems kind of on the nose. 

Right, and why does that leave you with unmanageable rage? Oh no they left door open to continuing the story heaven forbid!

I am not sure that they have no intention of continuing the story.  I believe that their time at Amazon is over, but this doesn’t mean someone else might not be interested...

That’s not true.  The producers do intend to continue the story.  The way they do that remains to be determined.  First of all, I hope they don’t dismantle the sets.

Because they didn’t do that, I’m left with an unmanageable rage towards a show I otherwise loved immensely.

That’s on you for constantly demanding a specific outcome and not rolling with what your own choices give you. Metagaming it isn’t immersing yourself in your decisions at all

Makes sense to me, it’s a good game.

It’s not the All Time Greatest Game Ever Made, as everyone unfairly assumed it would be, but it’s a pretty enjoyable Deus Ex-like. It also features probably the single most “realistic” and believable city in the history of the medium. Even for all its many, many faults, Night City

I felt quite differently about the choices. Incorrectly selecting a single wrong dialog option during a side quest could mean there was no way to get the “good” outcome on some missions.

I thought it was really good.
./shrugs - to each his own.

You are right. There was a noticeable segment of the fanbase that took from the Matrix exactly the opposite of what the Wachowskis were trying to say with their pro-SJW, pro-trans, pro-gay, anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist revolutionary trilogy.

Ask any farmer about repairing modern farm machinery.

“The doctors did the best they could..........and he is going to be okay.”

Jason ‘...is no longer around’ leaves a certain impression, man.

Small shows > big shows

Jesus, most of the shows I go to are a half dozen dudes who smell like weed unloading a white Econoline with a U-Haul trailer behind it, and those guys play in the band too.