
Agreed. I grew up in the era where every kid going off his rocker was blamed on playing D&D, even if they didn’t even know the difference between an Elf and a Halfling. Then in college, it was all due to video games, even if the kid didn’t have a computer.

Counterpoint: Thousands of innocent people were saved from having to endure a flight on AA or Spirit.

In the video she asks the question, people in the crowd cheer and the men on the panel looks chastened. Then men in the audience start booing loudly and you can see the panel become emboldened to start openly making fun of her. There is a lessen here about the fact that the misogyny in the game industry is reinforced

The fact that multiple cars were parking it on the in-lap should be reason enough that the red flag and restart was an undue circumstance for the whole field. Nevermind what a stupid reason this is for a DQ. Letter of law is important but come tf on. And this only makes it look even stupider that Bottas’ got a measly

Under normal circumstances, I’d be far too dumb and lazy to figure out what’s going on here. I’d just delete the footage again and move on.”

It’s a simple matter of dragging them down to your level. That’s all.

Why play it if even a glowing review of it boils down to “this game has so many flaws, anyway here’s a praise-free description of what it does”?

To put it into perspective how anti-worker the USA can be compared to some other places, members of the EU must guarantee four weeks of paid time off every year. That’s the kind of thing people in the USA only get after possibly a decade or more working for an organization, if ever.

Heh. Alley. Alley cats. Good one. Good one, yes. Heh

It’s funny, you never use “overhyped” for apple devices

So BMW M3 money for a car that looks like an M3 drawn by a toddler on acid. Got it.

This is how F1 has always been. Senna won his three WDCs in a McLaren that was overwhelmingly dominate. In 1988 McLaren took 1st or 2nd (often both) in every race but 1. In 1992 he finished 4th. 1993 was a weird year because of the FW-15C but he managed 2nd. Yet many see him as the “definite GOAT”. Lewis also won in

Yeah. Every time I try to play a “bad” person I usually end up stopping playing and switching to a different character. I just can’t do it. I have two different “bad” characters stuck about halfway through ME1 that I know I’ll never get through the rest of the game. First, I know being an ass will likely result in

Man, people that dislike Hamilton always seem to be looking for an excuse to bring him up and say how bad he is. This article is about Bottas; Hamilton is just a side note to this article and your entire post has nothing to do about it.

Wait so getting caught at a gay bar is terms for resignation.... BUT... molesting kids for your entire career is a green light... Something isn’t right here. 

TikTok Is A Never-Ending Stream of Bad Financial Advice.

*Calls chickens in Russian accent*
*Tosses food*

10 thousand dollars a day? So Steam, a company run by 200 employees, and owning a massive office in the middle of Bellevue, with around 200 million active users is making about the same everyday as your run of the mill Olive garden location?  Can you link this pearl of wisdom you found this from?

Steam has problems but it is not “absolutely fuck all”.

I honestly can’t get enough of the snack-eating videos, and I’m a huge fan of the board game content.