
This kind of sounds like maybe you didn’t like/get the jokes that made up 75% of the writing

I don’t know, I thought it was good if not great. Enjoyed the world/environment much more than most RPGs. The thing I think it lacked the most was the sort of modern customization/live-in-the-world stuff that big games have these days. The underpinnings and format seemed decidedly last gen, even if i enjoyed the world

Fwiw, the Dorilton purchase is sounding more and more like a legit attempt to make it work; the people involved are all racing related or connected to the Williams family in some way. There are probably cheaper options for pump and dumps than an F1 team with millions of fans and weekly coverage of their ups/downs in

Jesus. The internet was a mistake.

Of all the potential takes, this is the dumbest.

Logan Sargent got robbed today, punted at the second corner in the final race of the F3 season when he was running neck and neck for the championship with two other drivers who both managed to finish.

Decades of poor forest management; historic (i.e., extremely unusual) Santa Ana-type winds out of the northeast blowing down into the valley; tinderbox conditions in what used to be generally wet forests, even into summer months; wind-induced power line incidents.

Fuck this:

Well, that’s your adware telling you about other potential adwares.

Windows Defender has been the only thing I’ve used in the last 5 years and I’ve never had any problem ever since. Free antiviruses ARE the viruses. I literally uninstall three of these from a friend’s computer not too long ago and all the spam she had

“My City Is Upset And Told Me To Get Rid Of My 4,000 Hyundais In 2 Weeks!”

Start asking for the title, if you don’t get the title, then stop payment on the credit card charges. If you wanted to do your due diligence, you could call your credit card company and ask their advice. They now have a vested interest in this transaction.

Excuse, but please get off my lawn. That “olden days” version has far too many colors. If it’s not just green and black, it’s not the real Oregon Trail. 

Yeah, that’s what this sure looks like to me. Bad casting. Sure bad castings happen, but how often do you hear about them happening on safety-critical automotive components these days? Never, right? Normal companies take care to make sure that they get their castings right every time. Tesla is the kind of company that

If a little “curb contact” busts a ball joint or breaks a control arm, your car is a piece of shit. Go walk down your street and you’ll probably find curb rash on 9 out of 10 sets of wheels. Then note how many of them also have busted ball joints.

Evergreen image.

Elon always sucks.

Somehow his flock still manages to be worse.

I have an allergy that- without medication to control it- causes anosmia. My allergist believes it’s related to dust mites, though other aspects of it seem linked to other things. First, it is most serious in the winter (which may be linked to mite exposure). And second, it is triggered most consistently and harshly by

I have a sinking feeling that these “federal agents” are actually Eric Prince’s Blackwater/Academi hired goons/mercinaries working on a no-bid contract. If that’s the case, the whole situation is even more insidious.

Nice Price. I can’t think of a more perfect color for a Range Rover destined to spend some quality time stranding it's owner on the side of the road.

But it uses VPN to stop DDoS doxing attacks and other buzzwords like dark web!

But it uses VPN to stop DDoS doxing attacks and other buzzwords like dark web!

Now playing

No, Stellina would be feminine singular and Stellinae would be plural in the first declination.