
Neutral: VW should go right back to near-premium. Every day when I hop inside my 2001.5 Passat GLX, I’m reminded of why they won almost all the comparison tests in the late 90s and early 2000s. My 15-year-old DD is more enjoyable and better built than our brand new Honda — in the same market segment and price point.

Man, do I have a Mazda3 hatchback for you.


*when the media started paying attention to epidemic of police violence,

Hey Kirk, remember when I was laying odds on how quick we were gonna get this comment?

chillll Scorsese any serious tracking shot with a tight frame will have a manual / remote controlled focus puller

Whoever does not miss the 80s has no heart. Whoever wants them back has no brain.

1 month to get the records and 42 months to redact every instance of “lemonparty”

The big Banff

And my wife still doesn’t get why I go shopping in my old reliable 89 ford festiva (LX model! It has a passenger mirror!)...I hunt these fuckers down to wedge into the spot next to them. It’s better if I can get on the driver’s door, so they either wait for me or crawl in the passenger door. Best 700 bucks I’ve ever

Oh fuck off.

How about those ice towers then?

I mean, to be fair it’s an update to a mobile browser, the fact they’re now using the a not horribly outdated API and using the same one as Safari has a certain set of assumptions. Still, here’s one JavaScript test anyway. Chrome’s a bit faster than Safari, actually.

Safari and Chrome crash on IOS regardless. I’m actually strongly considering going back to android and maybe the new Microsoft Surface for my mobile needs, particularly the Surface. I’m really tired of Safari only loading up what is currently in the window. The reason being is I scroll quickly often enough that this

Well, that’s kind of like the whole “All Lives Matter” thing — 100% true, but totally missing the point of why the thing exists.

When you have a symbol that represents the history of your town does not communicate the real meaning to the general public but instead confuses people into believing it represents a racist or injust situation, don’t you think is better to create a symbol that represents the history of your town and really

President Clinton is not a candidate, he already served 2 terms.

You’ll have to pry my keys from my cold dead hands, but if you really want safe cars, remove the humans as much as possible.