

In totally unrelated news...


What’s funny is that he did it right — taking the spot next to the wall — but then put the wrong side of the car next to the wall.

Yes, but in glorious People’s Republic of China, we all work together to breathe, so it’s much more evenly distributed!

I am a member of a Credit Union. They have quite a few branches and ATMs. scattered across 2 states. All of the on line amenities of a big bank. Longer hours (They don’t close for lunch and are open till 6pm on Friday), loans including mortgages & car loans, Insurance. IRAs, CDs, various savings plans, Their own

Oh my god iztafase!! Or more commonly know as, rock with shadows.

It was always my impression (as a non-coffee drinker) that the proliferation of “coffee drinks” i.e. mocha frappuccinos, caramel macchiatos, et al, were made to disquise the taste of inferior coffee used in their production... like alcoholic cocktails grew out of the deplorable quality of the liquor available during

The flannel is in the closet.

I don’t normally grammar nitpick, but this is anti-intellectualism in beer form. I don’t like IPAs either, so I drink lagers and double blacks and saisons from craft brewers. I also drink Bud Lights occasionally, and even still get fucked up bro every once in a while.

The point is Inbev is

Let the disproportionate internet outrage of people who will never buy a Lamborghini (not even a Tavarish edition) ensue!!

But but but but one magazine in the 70s claimed a scientist said a new ice age was coming, therefore big science is lying about global warming! Now here’s a poorly-labeled graph to prove my point!

My favorite app for email on my iPhone is Outlook. Microsoft has done a really good job at balancing out “features” with “simple usability” IMO. But there are tons of good email apps out there - Inbox by Gmail, Boxer, Spark... it’s a matter of trying a few and seeing what you like and what fits your workflow.

Anyone wanna take this back yet? Turns out he is spectacular.

If any other company had released this it would have been laughed off the face of the planet.

Not if you’re just publishing information about unreleased games and projects... That’s not journalism. Journalism would be writing about inequalities, poor work conditions, lies or misleading information that is deemed unethical or poor practice. Just sharing leaked Fallout 4 scripts or screen shots of an unrelease

If you’re pissing people off with your journalism, then you’re doing your job. Ruffling feathers, even if you’re entertainment reporters, is par for the course. Don’t stop doing it just because a couple publishers are a wee bit on the childish side of things.

OK we'll send them all to your place. Please have them clean by morning. Thanks!

You do know that Obsidian was started by the people from Black Isle, the subsidiary of Interplay that created the Fallout series, right? They WERE the originators of the series.