
I tried to convince my wife to buy luxe barges like the Avalon for a reasonable price, and she said I’m not retired and don’t want to look old. But honey, the comfort! The room! The luxury!

An Accord, why ?

Not in bright sunlight.

Sometimes you just need film. Digital is quick and all. But sometimes old school is better. I sure miss shooting with my old 4x5 Crown Graphic. Taking 15 or 20 minutes to set up a closeup of something then waiting until the wind dies down. Then not knowing for sure if you got the shot for a day or two. Ah, things just

Maybe you should filter your friends list better. Not that you can eliminate all annoyances cause, come on, even people we like are annoying sometimes. But if you Unfollow these annoying “friends”, you won’t see their posts at all. You can also put them on your Restricted list, so it’s basically like unfriending them

I want one thing. Just ONE FUCKING THING!!!!! Allow me to select “show unique posts only”. No “hey, your batshitcrazy rightwing sister liked this batshitcrazy rightwing post”, no shares, no replies, no chain pictures, no news reports, NOTHING.

It’s billed as an opportunity to reconnect but come on, you unfollow people for a reason, and it’s not to reconnect later. It’s because they suck.

Aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnndddddddd..... purchased.

function sayMyName(char $name) {

This is assuming all manual drivers aren’t obnoxious asshats heel-and-toeing their way to the grocery store and bragging about it on the internet.

Drive one of these.

Not really, talented designers will stick out even more from the homogeneity.


Dragon is always the answer.

Because never in the history of mankind has an innocent person been executed for a crime they did not commit. /sarcasm

I tried to play this video in 2160p and my computer promptly shit itself.

Another reason I need to buy it.