
You’ll be very interested to know I’m having a sale on military grade, Chem trail resistant tin foil cranium protectors. They also reflect the mind control signals that are transmitted from satellites. Comes with free gun bunker so you can hide your firearms when Obama or the New World Order (U.N.) comes for them.

According to the guide he’s discontinued this kit saying it didn’t hold up. He’s got an updated instruct-able called Solar USB 2.0 ... that he’s suggesting.

60mA? not worth it

The man was said to have had mental problems, so mental help and a subjection to analysis would help us prevent future accidents. But yes, what you said is more satisfying despite achieving fuck all.

Yes it is. *licks lead popsicle and noms asbestos donut*

Only if you’re Republican, and the regulation is against the people paying your campaigns.

To reach the largest audience I presume. English is the primary language of mainstream media.

Probably gonna find some other news to “wright” about.

Seriously, we need to talk about how crazy modern P1 cars are.

He’s playing subway VR guy simulator of course!

Just one thing regarding #4, as a medical lab scientist working in a hospital, dealing with the bane of every man’s existence... kidney stones (well, ok, us women’s too, but we don’t get them as commonly and - childbirth. Need I say more?). There isn’t a lot of very good scientific data, so far as I know, on the

Car batteries are a great example of this. I sold retail car parts for about a decade, and got to know a lot of folks at Johnson Controls, the company that makes the house batteries for most parts stores, as well as Sams and Walmart. The batteries at the major parts stores are all the same thing with different labels.

Brienne kills Stannis and Davos kills Melisandre. Works for me!

I really miss the stars. I was on Gizmodo when you had to “audition” to be able to post, and now on half the gawker sites, including the two I used to post on the most, I’m a gray. Sucks!

Spokane is wayyyyy worse. I am fond of Tacoma but fuck Spokane

Honestly? I think ODST might be my favorite game of the series (outside of Combat Evolved, of course). The story was intimate and surprisingly emotional, I enjoyed the tactical challenge of not being a superhuman steamroller (for one game anyway), and I think the score was Martin O’Donnell’s most interesting work of

Sic transit Futura for something that looks like everything else. This is a sad day for typography and advertising.

Sadly, no; tribalism is a resilient and enduring theme in our species wherever we may go, and so is a tendency toward violence...

You seem to be under the impression those bikes have serial numbers and can be sold