
Sad thing is, there are some sites that have a “mobile friendly site” that I still choose to view in desktop mode because the “mobile friendly” version is so terrible.

I feel a great disturbance in the Canon, as if millions of Kyle Katarn fans cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.

I cook like a motherfucker at home and this is the one you want right here. You will not believe how quickly this pan heats up, and not only that but you really only have to turn your burners up to medium to cook 95% of the stuff you want. It also cooks incredibly evenly, esp. if you preheat and butter/oil it

I cook like a motherfucker at home and this is the one you want right here. You will not believe how quickly this

And here I thought I'd never be aroused by kitchenware.

And here I thought I'd never be aroused by kitchenware.

Yay! A corporate octopus trained for the purpose of selling something. There really should be more laws on advertising limits.

The fact it’s a commercial ruins it for me.

I’m pretty sure if Jesus was there, he’d be all like “where the fuck did all these Pharisees come from?”

Jesus would be pretty pissed about the whole Christian public prayer thing that they usually do before every session, given that whole speech he gave specifically prohibiting it. I doubt he’d be very concerned about what one Wiccan did, and more concerned about how most of his followers are getting his message so

If only more Americans understood that espresso is the name of the process and not a specific type of bagged coffee. God damn marketers...

And yet, despite its status as a progressive university town, Berkeley is at the forefront ofone prong of the war against vaccines.

Tell me how to drive, like I’m 16 again. I’m almost 34 years old and my mother still does this. Look, if I’m doing something dangerous then by all means, complain. But you don’t need to tell me there’s a car waiting to turn out of a driveway an eighth of a mile ahead.

Let me see if I get this straight. Our government (supposedly of the people, by the people and for the people) knows that....

In other words, it’s crappy but we have to get on the hype train and kiss some apple ass to stay in business.

Was this the London race or perhaps the St Petersburg race?

Soooo, if there is an embargo to be broken... tha means you already knew!!!!???? Hehehe

Did Ray Wert approve this?

Shift + 4

You say that as if this soft old Buick will be going around corners fast enough to need a dry sump. It's completely fine having a wet sump.