
You should be wildly embarrassed for yourself.

How can you possibly notice a 2 ms sound delay? Even a 120 Hz TV only updates the picture 8.3 ms.

I like how you say "FemShep" as if there's another kind.

I mean, dehumanization is the first step to justifying acts of aggression against a people. There isn't even storyline reasons why any of these characters would fight in most of these costumes, and turning them into sex objects that they often display in this game is dehumanizing. This behavior in media towards women

All of these things are fair and rational requests to make. Can't see any reason anyone would have a problem with any of them.

Welcome to Gawker HQ.

If you pour enough crap on it, will it turn into a Hypercolor tee-shirt?

He's using a RED Epic Dragon (CF) as of 3 months ago.

Actually not really, almost nobody used gear that expensive anymore you can get a studio quality 4K camera with a couple of very good lenses for under $20K

Now playing

For example... a torture test comparing one "premium" tripod vs 3 cheapos. I'd bet the lifespan of a premium tripod should last at least as long as your camera's:

It's always best to go straight to the GPU manufacturers support page to download the freshest driver or beta drivers which can be particularly useful if you get a game on release and it has isues on your GPU. Beta drivers often patch changes per game way faster than the official ones, so you don't have to wait as

I always advise new freelancers that as hard as it can be sometimes to pass up low-paying work, it's worth it in the end*. The people who have offers like, "Editor needed to proofread my 500 page book on sports injuries. Willing to pay up to $50," are not people who understand what you do, they will be pains in the

Affinity Photo may want to be a photoshop replacement, but in it's current version it's not. It doesn't have a 1/4 of the features I use heavily for photo work, plus the loss of literally million of pre made actions and all my personally built actions is a hure productivity loss.

We should pay bloggers in clicks to to "play" this on their articles before posting.

Well switching to Firefox won't fix Kinja.

This must be a relief for the people who sit next to you, who had to endure <tap . . . tap . . . tap tap tap taptaptaptaptapTAPTAPTAPTAPTAP> GOD DAMMIT FUCK! every time your Chrome crashed under the load of four hundred burly tabs.

Pretty sure almost everyone is a bigot in some way or another, so yes. The guy who donated money to outlaw gay marriages resigned as CEO 9 months ago, but you know that, of course.

Check your white privilege.

My credit union does two-factor authentication. Unless you disable it.

You might just see one right before.