
I know, right? I was going to just say "encrypted passwords and non-financial data," which is how eBay tries to put it in their release before they get into the details - when I read the details, I was kind of surprised. It's funny that companies tend to keep all of this stuff in databases that aren't encrypted

It's Börk! Börk! you Anglo swine.

I call this beautiful piece, "Cobalt Filled With Judgement Words." (Did I win the Internet?)

... is it your office?

And the GranCabrio will be powered by your own ego!

"Cerberus- Ok not a person, but they did a terrible job with Chrysler"

Alex, we did it, we finally published that Dart review!

"First kidneys, now cats. It's obvious the entire Force family was genetically engineered by the government to create a clan of organ-harvesting operatives trained in feline mind control."

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Based on the shadows, I'm guessing it's actually a hill.

I volunteered to get bumped once. The flight they moved me to arrived at my destination 2 hours earlier than my original flight. I was put in first class on my next 2 flights. And I got a $250 flight voucher. Paid off!

My own experience with VAG products, plus anecdotal evidence of others which confirm my admitted bias, tells me that you were the exception here, not the rule.

I will bet 1000$, and I say this as an owner of TWO old german cars with over 200k miles on them, it will be something electrical that goes wrong first.

I'd at least give them this

It reallllllly is!

Ha! Yeah its pretty sharp considering how much atmosphere this is cutting through (at least 6 miles). Contrails at altitude usually originate from the motors. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrail

GIMP is a PhotoShop alternative in the same way that you with an ice cream scoop is an alternative to having the surgeon remove your appendix. You might get the same result but one is going to be a damn site more painful...