
I don’t know who ‘asmallcat’ is, but I make a pretty statistically safe assumption that they do not wield the global influence of a top billionaire, nor run the world’s largest philanthropic enterprise.

I mean, to be fair, look what he did to all of his characters.

OK, I’ll bite...why is there an...interesting rendition of Sonic on the header image every day?

OK, I’ll bite...why is there an...interesting rendition of Sonic on the header image every day?

It’s appropriating a term for a technical specification as an abstraction of a concept of ‘factual clarity’.

That’s like 480p, at best. Fuckin’ kids.

The context of the discussion was whether it was good at the time, hence my comment. I can tell you by 2009-2015 that the early to mid aughts interiors were falling apart, as I owned mine around that time.

People trot this out every so often, until you start to look at the time+cost of repairing literally anything on the cars.

I would argue that Volkswagen, along with most of the Euro brands in the US at the time, absolutely didn’t suck.

I don’t think people who do this are the kind of people who read the news. Or even consume it. They watch tabloid garbage like Fox.

Has Microsoft actually said they will not provide updates? Or are we interpreting “May not receive updates” as “will not receive updates”?

Lewis Hamilton made some comments earlier today that there’s a nasty bump in Raidillon now after the flooding. Not sure if that’s at the same point that everyone lost control here, but it’s seems terribly odd that all of them lose traction at the same place, the same way.

The whole “red pill” bullshit from the right is hilarious to me, in so much as the Matrix is clearly a trans allegory as written by trans people.

Watch a video of F1 drivers turning through the Grand Hotel hairpin at Monaco. That’s reason enough to tell you that yoke steering wheels are so dumb in road cars. It’s one of the only corners in F1 where hand over hand is required to turn, and it clearly sucks for them.

Well, the article says it wasn’t even in the script.

I don’t know if Canadian cops are any better than those in the US, but without a lawsuit I’m guessing that that poor GA pilot won’t see a dime from them. They’ll have to foot the bill for all repairs. :(

I want off the bus, please. This timeline is just farcical as hell, the writing sucks, and I’m over it.

Utterly subjective. I think it has tons of depth and was a lot of fun. I spent nearly 100 hours in it.

Welcome to global warming. Here, have a burnt cookie.

It only got to 105 here in Battle Ground today. Take that Portland!

Almost everyone listed is a right-winger with extra steps.