
There is no just world where a vertical toaster costs nigh on 300 USD or has a color touchscreen.

There is no just world where a vertical toaster costs nigh on 300 USD or has a color touchscreen.

I blame Red Dead Redemption for the acts depicted in this engraving. That makes about as much as sense as OP’s horseshit.

All of this is happening just as the COVID-19 Delta Variant threatens to put the speed brakes on the recovering industry.

Yes but what if Alex Albon recreated the usage of the fuel? Would that work?

This is America, my dude. There’s no flared base here to “stop at the hilt”.

I tried two playthroughs of Fallout 3 and NV, doing the same thing. I lasted about 5 hours in each before throwing in the towel. It’s tough to choose that route, even in a game.

r/formula1 became utter unbearable after this for a few days. It’s getting better now at least.

Related pro tip (which I’m sure you’ve already posted somewhere, Claire): keep a jar around to pour bacon grease into once you’ve cooked bacon. Gritty bits and everything. That shit is fuckin’ delicious on all kinds of stuff and when used in place of butter when frying.

To be fair, I’ve been the pissed person here. I watched the lights, as soon as the cross traffic went yellow I took my foot off the brake and put in the clutch. This should be clue #1 to the moron behind me that I’m fully paying attention. It’s a cold morning and getting in to first is a bit touchy, so it took an

Going 5 under in a two lane road, then speeding up to +10 over as as you enter the climbing lane...now I have to exceed the speed limit by 20 to pass you going up hill. You fucking moron.

MOPAR or no car.

That Audition screenshot is Premiere, not Audition.

Gahd Tesla/Ol’ Muskie stans are obnoxious.

Yes, they also like to overlay comms from entirely different races or different times with footage, essentially lying about the context of the comm or the footage.


Will Buxton pauses for effect...

Torch is a tresure and we humanity don’t deserve him.

What are you doing, step-species?!

I think this is why Knights of the Old Republic was so well loved and received at the time. It was new, it was different, and it didn’t try to use very many known characters.

The Salarians are working on a genophage as we speak.