Nissan Quest, White Privilege Edition?!
Nissan Quest, White Privilege Edition?!
The problem is that modern executives rarely ever face responsibility for theirs or their company’s actions. Winterkorn’s golden parachute is more like a golden shower on VW and consumers: $67 million.
This picture has made me obscenely happy.
Also, I want to right a wrong that has stood for too long. Ray Wert didn’t take anything to his high school reunion. He was going to take the Jeep but, in the famous tradition of Jalopnik writers, he broke it.
Thanks for the link. I’m somewhat aware of debt selling and purchasing (it’s generally how second-stage debt-collection operates as an industry, and it’s dirty pool), but I was more interested in errors made during the selling and purchasing process that “wipes out” the payment history. It seems horrific, and it…
Can you cite some sources? Books or articles on this topic of debt selling? This some good ammunition.
This GIF kills me every time.
The only agenda on show is white privilege. You did the right thing, Jason.
This is largely Discovery’s, History’s, et al entire MO for all their reality shows.
Fun idea! I would suggest BNC connectors instead. They’re much smaller and have a bayonet connector that is more secure.
In this case would the driver that’s being attacked be justified in gunning it, ramming the attacker into his own vehicle?
The DPRK devastating South Korea would have global economic consequences. South Korea is a robust economy that fuels huge industries such as automotive, electronics, shipbuilding, petroleum, etc. Exports alone in 2012 were about half a trillion USD.
Are you hiring someone? What for? Want my resumé?
It’ll be a special edition package later this year, and it’ll cost an extra $3.5k.
Spills happen though. It’s not hard to imagine some of that coffee slipping down the edge of the least for me!
Tangentially related: Habitat for Humanity Re-store is great for this kind of thing. We recently moved and painted a few rooms in the new place. We bought 5 gallons of (good) paint for $35. There was a 5 gallon bucket with about 3.5 gallons in it, and I mixed in a bunch of closely colored samples. Turned out great for…