
Nissan Quest, White Privilege Edition?!

The problem is that modern executives rarely ever face responsibility for theirs or their company’s actions. Winterkorn’s golden parachute is more like a golden shower on VW and consumers: $67 million.

$1200 for doing “light work” is utterly unacceptable.

Motronics, mo’ problems.

This picture has made me obscenely happy.

I enjoyed looking at both, since there are different photos in each. Thanks for the link.

My family visited the Queen Mary when I was quite young, but I remember the propeller room quite well. It was odd...growing up in the Pacific Northwest there’s a lot of big things around here—including some of the dams and the turbines along the Columbia river—but for whatever reason I remember the propeller being

Thanks for the link. I’m somewhat aware of debt selling and purchasing (it’s generally how second-stage debt-collection operates as an industry, and it’s dirty pool), but I was more interested in errors made during the selling and purchasing process that “wipes out” the payment history. It seems horrific, and it

Can you cite some sources? Books or articles on this topic of debt selling? This some good ammunition.

Then UBER should publish the data and prove it.

This Satan jizz is why I will never buy another VW. Corrosion in the heater core, clogging it up? Check. Eating through the plastic fiddly bits every 25,000 miles? Yeup. Paying $250 to the dealership for the replacement parts? You betcha.

You must be new around here.

It’s called vertical integration. You’re supposed to buy the Trackpad at the same time so you can use one while the other charges. This is Apple innovation.

This GIF kills me every time.

Mostly agreed. It’s useless in all but a few apps that have “fullscreen” modes.

The only agenda on show is white privilege. You did the right thing, Jason.

That’s their shortened version, but yes the wings the article mentions are aeronautical in nature. So in short the article and NASA are both correct.