Have you driven the 6 with the Skactiv? It’s no a 6-cylinder but it pulls hard and gets 40+ mpg on the highway.
Have you driven the 6 with the Skactiv? It’s no a 6-cylinder but it pulls hard and gets 40+ mpg on the highway.
Ray Wert dragon reference. You win 1 Internet!
It just means that:
For sipping bourbon my go to has been Buffalo Trace—and by extension Eagle Rare if I’m looking for spend some more. I recently inherited a bottle of original-run (bottled in the 80’s) Wild Turkey 12-year “beyond duplication”. Pretty tasty! Wild Turkey 101 will be on my list now, once I run out of what I’ve got.
Drowned in fresh lemon juice, a couple dashes of bitters, and a little simple syrup and you’re good to go. Not good enough for an old-fashioned though.
They had a little military boondoggle in the middle east that cost their government so much, they had to cut things like space and orbiter programs. Not to mention the wide scale economic corruption...
We have a 2012 SkyActiv. Mazda so far only goes up to 2008 for three models distributed in the extreme southeast US (Mazda6 and larger). It seems that the only car of any make beyond 2008 is the Dodge Dakota, up to 2011.
He specifically said they would be free, so no, they won’t be paid.
No, no, no. Battle Ground/Amboy is the Florida of Washington. Vantucky is just fine, thanks.
UTorrent (from the official site) included adware last time I downloaded it. This was even on Mac!
Funny thing is, I prefer it to be rainy and in the evening or morning when I get back, because rain generally means low clouds, and low clouds mean you see the tips of the mountains in beautiful sunlight.
This brazen contempt for users is why I quit using DD-WRT a long time ago. I switched to Tomato by Shibby before buying an EdgeRouter Lite and a separate, higher power access point.
Is the fuel door release on the floor near the door like in the second-gen 3?
At the start of this run, Many A True Nerd has 260 out of 445 health points—his health is almost half gone. In preparation for the continued DLC run—which is expected to be way more difficult than the original game—he stops by Novac to pick up a special gun. Called Paciencia, it's a variant of the hunting rifle.…
I used to think this way about camera support until a fellow photographer related a story about a cheap tripod failing and breaking the lens and camera. If you've spent $3000+ on a camera and lens (in the OP's case, about $1400 retail), why would you trust your camera to a cheap $50 tripod?
According to the report, which is scant on technical details, DARPA engineers dialed in through the Impala's OnStar system, transmitted a data packet that confused the internal computers, and then planted a malicious bit of code that allowed it to reprogram control systems on the ECU.
Oh, but dude, it's Gawker!
You've outed yourself, but next time just send something to tips@gawker.com. Sounds like a juicy story to me.