Republique is still 4.99, and the Infinity Blade Trilogy link doesn't load in the US store...
Republique is still 4.99, and the Infinity Blade Trilogy link doesn't load in the US store...
Dammit, you beat me to it!
This is why Jalopnik kicks ass.
The last time I bought a Volkswagen with 75k on the clock, it didn't end well.
64kbps is going to sound like shit no matter how many bills you spent on your sound system. That sound system deserves CDs and very high quality MP3s, not Pandora.
Remember: if Bill Gates ran a brothel, it would be a shit brothel. We don’t need nice – nice doesn’t win. Ethics and motorsport don’t matter to each other; don’t exist to each other.
Needs a Sarif Industries sticker...
Not being able to actually breathe/smell the coffee as you're drinking it is pointless to me. I have a simple double-walled tumbler, but I take the lid off once I get to work so I can actually enjoy what I'm drinking.
Not being able to actually breathe/smell the coffee as you're drinking it is pointless to me. I have a simple…
French Press is a terribly difficult thing to get right in the best of circumstances, I shudder to imagine what coffee tastes like after extracting/brewing for an hour.
French Press is a terribly difficult thing to get right in the best of circumstances, I shudder to imagine what…
This is true, but I believe that is only needed to find and alter all Wikipedia links to point to WikiWand's URL schema.
Fiveteen million thousand internets to you, good sir/madam!
This isn't about the elimination of risk, it's about the reduction risk.
On 10.10 Public Beta here, have been for some time. Anyone know if Beta 6 (14A388b) is the release build?
Seeing them in Clark County/Vancouver now! They're AWESOME!
Washington State is replacing these with flashing yellow left-turn arrows. Seems to be working really well so far.