
"This past week we announced a new flagship car to be built in Detroit. No reaction. Announced a product offensive which will give Cadillac coverage of 95% of premium market segment . Slight twitch of the left eyebrow of the industry media. Announce new nomenclature system, to denote hierarchy and accommodate expanded

There are very few cars that strangers will stop you in to say, "hey, NICE CAR," while you respond all awkwardly, as there is no real response to that sort of thing, because what are you going to do, give a pilot "thanks" and then sit there being uncomfortable while someone grins at it ridiculously?

Replying from notifications on the lock screen will put you back in the iOS keyboard, without any autocorrect. Major bummer. Anyone else experiencing this with other third party keyboards? SwiftKey notes in their Known Issues section of the help page that they're working on it. I'm wondering if Apple is locking

Then something is wrong, because during the iOS 8 keynote they showed that very screen and said that every third party keyboard would have to show that before you could use it.

This. I live in the Pacific Northwest. It rains here, even in the summer.

Back in my day, blah, blah, blah, uphill ,both ways, in the snow.

Damn straight.

I love the lines of this car. Everything about it just makes me happy.

For an indie game, you generally have to make choices between feature development and visual style. Not always, but in this case they have. It's not necessarily laziness as it is lack of resources.

Still, before we get too judgemental, let's at least consider that possibly this driveway was asking for it. Some driveways just put out such an intensely sexual vibe, what with their faintly glittering asphalt or crisp, white concrete slabs, that you'd have to be Mother Teresa marinated in saltpetre to not want to

Came to say the same thing. Damned nice looking.

These small bottles are awesome for packing small quantities of shampoo, body wash, and sunscreen when you're on the go, and the large (3 oz.) version is on sale today. They even have suction cups to stick to the walls in your hotel's bathroom. [Humangear GoToob Large Travel Bottle, $20)]

You can explain it away that this is 'Murica and we don't like hatch-em-mah-bobs, so give us a see-dan Volt.

Simmer down now, son.

Simmer down now, son.

bcc: legal counsel

Yikes, first day in a while that's rained like a wet hell around here and you're bombing that thing around a fairly technical track.

Say it together: "WD-40 is a solvent, not a lubricant."

What's the difference between Joe Biden and Bill Clinton?


Yeup. Camera wasn't even operated very smoothly. Just like steadicams, sliders, and jibs these things take lots, and lots, and lots of practice to get right.