
This made me laugh. I gave you a star, so yeah we have a solid B- here. Nice passing grade.

You sorta lost your argument as soon as you told folks to, "go right to hell."

I found it by accident on the app store. I was quite pleased to pay $4.99 to get the upgrade. I've been using Reeder for years and love the way it works. My only complaint is that I was informed about the upgrade when I launched Reeder 1!

I was going to post something about doing barrel rolls, but in the current version of Google Chrome the entire screen does a barrel roll when you do a search for it.

No it's not, it's business.

It still poses a risk, it's explosive material. The risk might be exponentially less, but there's still risk in burying high explosive materials close the surface.

You know, I don't get why commenters always refer to the author in the comments as simply, "The Author." Generally with the idea that the author isn't reading the article, just some faceless editorial staff.

#10 (well, the end anyhow) is the most emotionally uplifting thing I've seen this week. Thanks for sharing.

Black out that grill and we have a winner.

Google's reverse image search is your friend. Drilled through a couple of results and found this:

Not strictly related to the topic at hand, but which do folks around here like better:

Eric Cartman's

What's your recidivism rate versus other countries that lock folks up for longer periods, with fewer amenities? I was under the impression that the Netherlands had some of the best social rehabilitation rates in the world.

I imagine this is what a NAMBLA meeting in Brooklyn looks like.

Cherry MX Blue, all day, every day.

He's seen this color before...in his diaper.

I hope upon hope that you did it on purpose.