
I imagine this is what a NAMBLA meeting in Brooklyn looks like.

He's seen this color before...in his diaper.

I just Spinelli'd in my shorts.

A Lannister always pays his debts.

I stopped playing AC at the end of II when this guy showed up to wreck the entire thing:

Thanks! I was kind of curious by it. I'm glad Gawker is so transparent.

Jalopnik takes paid trips, or at least trips paid by the manufacturer. This is very clearly outline at the beginning of the articles. Usually something like:

Me either, but unfortunately Free-To-Play isn't going anywhere. You can sell the game for 5USD on the App Store, or sell bundles of gold/energy/what-have-you for .99USD and have people paying that every two-three weeks for as long as the play the app.

Redneck is a culture, not a race.

Extra bits are for capitalist pigs.

I'm just going to leave this here...

I can't stop watching this GIF...

Whoever thought a Serbian copy of a malaise-era Italian car would be unreliable?!

What the font is wrong with you? I mean, come on, stop being a kern. There's nothing wrong with being a type-nerd.

I still wish we could get these in Washington. I love that '70s type. The new ones are just boring-ass Helvetica.

Prison Architect, as far as I can tell is on sale at 26.99 more often than not. This doesn't seem like a deep enough discount. I do understand why though. It's still Alpha. At any price under $20 the developer is going to end up with a far larger user base, which isn't what you want in alpha.

Broccoli monster!!!

Yes, and has been since it started. Search for New Vegas if you want the deal.