
Huh? What pole?

Those of us in the PNW already kinda figured the town he grew up in—Springfield, OR—was the Springfield of The Simpsons.

Well, there goes the neighborhood.

Considering this frame and quote is taken from the episode about the eyePhone, I'd say this is fits pretty damn well...

Please excuse my uncivil reaction, but, erm...this shit again?

I'm reading that in Tyson's voice. That's lovely.

Need to get this guy involved with Penny Arcade/Child's Play.

It's like Microsoft Bob is wearing a New Era cap.

Now playing

No V12? Then I contend there are tears in heaven.

It's NSFW, because some organizations have a policy against seeing nasty shit on their screens—not just sexual imagery.

CPG: Co-Pilot Gunner

I drive a Mk IV. According to my wife, I'm a supremely cute guy.

"I'll be honest, we're throwing science at the walls here to see what sticks." —Cave Johnson

People still IM? What is this, 1997?

Hell yeah, MicroMachines! Makes me want to crawl into my parents attic and find mine.

Seriously, that kind of, grit, determination, and ambition is what gets you starred.

The horizon is fine, just the ground they're on is not level. Check out the perspective.

Don't be such a pussy.

Complete with a rusty tow-hitch. Micropenis here doesn't even use his truck to tow anything.