
This is easily the best choice here.

What your, "just saying," is of little consequence here. The amount of engineering is a red herring; the real issue is of baseline risk. Any engineer worth his salt is going to tell you that cramming as much of something into a container will, by it's very nature, be more dangerous. At that point we're not talking

I see your jets and raise you a P-51.

Gas fumes might ignite, but they don't cause large explosions or turn their tanks into rockets (unless they're compressed*). You're working with a material that—due to it's compressed nature—is naturally more volatile. Gasoline fuel cells have a lower baseline risk than CNG fuel cells, more engineering means something

The word you're missing is, "compressed." Gasoline isn't stored at 250 bar (that's like 3600 PSI).

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RAM: You just got critical thinking in my marketing!

I wasn't able to procure a Ford GT on such short notice, $kaycog, but here's a new Ford Mustang delivered by this hot guy. He'll drive it over to you as soon as he's finished signing some papers.

That is all.

Art museums? Some minor league baseball team?

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I do not possess—nor do I wish to possess—a mullet.

Lose the two back doors and that'd be so full of win.

I thought the film did a fantastic job of putting him in a great light at the end. Hell, they credited him as a producer or something. It even talks about how he is one of the ones running the Senna Foundation, and how trusted he is by the family.

Eh? I know you're making a joke at their expense, but some of their menu items are still legit. Double short espresso is just steamed milk and (albeit burned) espresso. Brewed coffee is brewed (albeit burned) coffee.

Because it's a different medium. I genuinely enjoy video games. In fact, I quite love the Mass Effect universe. io9 recently had a great article on it:

Because, quite frankly, redditors that attacked her have only ever seen a vagina on a screen.

I play games, more or less, only for the story. The art is fun too, I guess. I won't be playing ME3 purely because I can't afford to sink that many hours into a video game. I have a life, two jobs, a fiancée, something that may or may not resemble a social life. I do love me some games, but I have more interesting


I like that Nibbles even screws with it's benefactors.


Links without machine created digests or previews are like subway station bathroom gloryholes.