
Holy shit I could give a F****.

Violeta Milerman? Jacob Jock?

Is there any particular reason why some journalists are backbiting jerk-offs? Is it the narcissism, the self-absorption, the egos so inherent in the profession? I understand the notion of, "journalistic integrity," I really do, but I also see that as the straw man rope used to hang fellow journalists over petty—and

You're my hero.

To my taste, I completely agree! Well prepared carne asada is a real treat.

That would be unwise.

"Perharps I'll come back tomorrow."

The infinite monkey theorem states that if you put an infinite number of monkeys in front of an infinite number of typewriters, and they'll eventually bang out the complete works of Shakespeare.

Wrap it in a link instead, like so:

That's the law in OR and WA. I've only ever known it to have been enforced once, and this individual was doing 5 under in the left of a clearly marked climbing lane.

Having been a password theft victim, I think this'll be the way I go from now on. I think I'll even start changing passwords over time with more robust 12+ character stuff.

I'll admit, I'm not changing many passwords today but I did start using a decent password manager a few days ago after both Lifehacker and Gizmodo talked about it. So far, it's fantastic!

I'll reply, in typical BOFH fashion (please take the following with large grains of salt):

That's per unit cost, and even the feds believe the per unit cost is now around 200 million each now.

In my experience grapefruit is both sour and extremely bitter.