
Lord Nibbler, you say?

Heartclick for you, good sir/ma'am.

Do you know the difference between a BMW driver and a porcupine?

"You see, on every map of Portland, Oregon, there is a big splotch of green on the edge of the city labeled "I.W." This stands for "Impassable Wilderness." No one’s ever gone in—or at least returned to tell of it."


DeVille Touring Sedan

Rooted Nexus S 4G with WiFi tether?

Cup the balls...

Touch sensitive? Do not want!

The Goonies?

That's a creek. This is a river.

Yeah I know. Seriously, just look at Gawker take money from Toyota for this weird-ass unboxing ad.

No, but there's a lot of "Christians," in their base, and Amish are, "Christian."

Yeesh people, don't take this so seriously.

I can see it now. FOX News et al will have a field day with this, saying religious freedom is being curtailed, it's the end of religious freedom, those-damned-atheists, evil-activist-judges, ad nauseam.

I genuinely fear for my girlfriend. This *can't* be good for our relationship.

Jaguar related pussy jokes were old when Jalopnik posted that article last week. In fact, they were old 40 years ago. I'm not thirteen anymore, they're neither funny nor sexy.

I know little about the car, or the power band of the motor. I think when someone says you have to, quote, "beat on it," to produce power they're basically saying you have to rev the piss out of the thing. All the power and torque comes in at the higher rev range is what I imagine. To top it off, it seems the throttle

The Universal Church of Steve Jobs, Reformed.