
Don't read Jalopni....hold on!

In PMY, you might actually get crabs from this one.

Heartclick for you, good sir/ma'am.

Blade Runner.

When the piece of shit decides it runs, yes—total agreement. Mk IV's, especially, are just not well made cars. Nice looking, fun to drive, but not well made or even engineered in some aspects. They just break far too easy.

If you can manage it, down a couple of Habaneros. Maybe swallow them whole for maximum firepower.

I hate fox body mustangs. After seeing that video, I hate them a little less.

Instagram mentioned they were doing this like a year or so ago, so I'll take a wait and see approach.

Haven't read the article (saving it for later), but just a quick note to say I like the illustration and thanks for the link to Chris' work. Nice!

Hmmm. That looks like bird alright, but not the kind you, um, ingest at least.

I've met Howard Mook, who designed the Mustang II, and he's proud of it.

"There's no replacement for displacement."

I know there's a lot of hate for electric, but bear with me here.

This helps quite a bit. I never knew that pharma did such experiments. I don't at all doubt it, knowing the general history of that industry. It's a sad state of affairs.

I think you're confusing me with the original poster. I've said nothing racist at all. Please re-read my post and quote the offending portion.

I've never quite understood why some cultures hate on birth control so damn much. I grew up in a very conservative American household, yet birth control has always been subject to the view of, "unless you're looking to get pregnant, you're a dipshit if you don't."

I don't care if you disagree with me, you get a heartclick for that reference.

Schrödinger's Apple?

Apple didn't invent a thing. Neither did, in fact, Steve Jobs. He just innovated. He took something smart and figured out how to successfully bring it to market. That is what he's good at. That's what Apple is good at.

And at Pentecost, he'll send the Holy iSpirit.