
I think they're just driving adoption at a huge loss, so that when they prepare to sell/license WebOS they have a bit more leverage.

The TouchPad will be a hacker's dream if they sell these things in the sub-$200USD range. I'm eager to see what people do with them in the future.


Haha! 70,000+1...

I submit to you, one Michael Convery, formerly of KGW (8), now of KATU (2), and also of KEX (1190AM), in Portland, OR.

You get a heartclick for that link, friend!

It's not legal to ship the stuff. Unless you wink and nod at the postal worker and claim that it's, "home made bubble bath."

This is easily one of the best written, most lucid articles on this subject I've read; and also one of the best on Gizmodo in a while.

Midway through the second paragraph: "Digging into BBM (which is a closed network) to find proof would have required some borderline hack wizardry that I'm but the police said they used[...]"

I wasn't trying to refute their claim, rather simply demonstrating the simplicity (even I can do it!) of making beer, and therefore the futility of claiming that they're doing anything special at all.

Heart click for you, sir; and also a seconding of this motion.


It ain't a car crash video without gratuitous cursing.

Edit: OK, now that I actually read what you read I'll just say that it's slow in terms of power to weight compared to the Mk I or Mk II.

R models are AWD.

Look I paid something in the order of 60 or 70 for the Oblivion collector's edition. I don't want some gaudy statue.

"The Land of Isuzu." Ha! Hadn't actually thought about that much, but you're quite right. Also the Realm of Suzuki.

SEGA does what Nintendon't.

This deal's getting worse all the time!

/b/tards everywhere. The intarwebs are dying.