
This album is spectacular. RichaadEB’s metal tracks are so good, and he got so many other cover artists like ToxicxEternity and FamilyJules7x as guest performers. And then Ace’s electronic arrangements are great. His version of “Undertale” makes me teary-eyed every time.

Fair enough.

Have you not been on the Internet in the last 24 hours? :P

Okay now that's just ridiculous.


I sort of feel that way. The character writing is good, but the plot stuff leaves much to be desired.

Reach could have been better IMO. Loved the shit out of the multiplayer though.

Yeah. The original trilogy blows everything else away narratively. At least Hslo 5 feels very tight from a gameplay standpoint. I think the narrative is the only thing lagging behind.

Halo always has such awesome art. Now 343 just need to work on their writing...

Yeah, but I don’t know if I really like the direction they went with her >.>

Reach’s campaign was kinda lackluster IMO. Fantastic multiplayer though.

Personally, I didn’t think the campaign was that bad. Still, nowhere close to the best Halo campaign for sure. A few headscratch moments though, and the damn abrupt cliffhanger ending made it lose points for sure. Multiplayer, on the other hand is great. Might even be better than Reach’s which, for me, is saying

Sad to see you go. Your personal piece on FFX last year was what inspired me to share my own deeply personal gaming stories on TAY, which has become like a giant part of my life now, even though I don’t come over to comment on Kotaku proper that much anymore. So thanks for that, and for all the times you included my

No wonder no one shows up anymore lol

Where am I supposed to find a T-Rex!?

What the actual fuck did I just watch? o.O

I think you missed his point a while ago

I do. Will they return the same courtesy? Probably not. But it's worth expecting it all the same because nobody should be belittled because of their taste in music.

Yeah, that’s one of my big pet peeves. I don’t get why people get so full of vitriol of something that doesn’t affect their life. It’s one thing to maliciously hate someone who like killed your family or something, but for producing content on the internet you don’t enjoy? Why?