
Thanks for the feature

I totally agree with this. With Star Wars the books were all over the place and no one really knew what was cannon and what wasn't. With Halo there's no debate about what is and isn't cannon in terms of media outside the games. I do very much enjoy the books I just don't have much time to read. I've been reading

I've had several different Shepards and only one of them has had a name that is on this list.

Not to mention that that heights and weights and all that stuff in the Pokedex is complete bogus half the time.

Sure thing! Aggron is my favorite:)

Aggron already has one.


These are awesome. I've seen a lot of attempts at making realisticish looking Pokemon but these are the best I've seen.

I spend more time on TAY than Kotaku. >.<

Looks cool. I will probably not remember it by the end of the day >.<

The nicest place in all the Internet that's what :D

Thanks for the feature again!

Game of Thrones, Grimm, The Walking Dead, Dr. Who, ummm hmm I don't seem to watch much TV do I?

Oh man, that sucks. That's exactly what happened with my cat a few years ago. :(

Thanks for the feature again. I'm honored that you keep picking my posts.


It's so beautiful looking.

Yeah, I'm always apprehensive about posting in main Kotaku. I write for the reader run blog TAY where everyone is friendly so coming here can be a bit of a shock sometimes haha.

I think the problem as that I read you first comment as coming off as rude. I don't think that was your intent after discussing this with you.

I had no intention of calling you a bigoted misogynist pig :P