What I don't get are some of the outfits the women are wearing. It's not like that's the style of TWD so I just don't see the point. And depicting the Disney Princesses as cheerleaders is just lazy.
What I don't get are some of the outfits the women are wearing. It's not like that's the style of TWD so I just don't see the point. And depicting the Disney Princesses as cheerleaders is just lazy.
Great read. I'm not too keen on using VR at the moment but I find the development process of the technology fascinating.
It was a sad time for the family. It was only a couple months after my grandpa passed as well so we were just hit that much harder.
This is so adorable and hilarious. I miss my cat now. He probably wouldn't have been interested in playing Fruit Ninja though. He would have been like "No. What is this? Get it away from me so I can sleep."
Wow. Thanks so much for featuring my first ever post in the roundup! A most welcome surprise.
I thought that this was near Mt. Silver where you fight him in Gen 2
It must be so nasty. My nose is cringing just thinking about it.
Really? I did not know that. You would think I would considering Halo and Metroid are two of my favorite franchises. That's awesome.
Exactly. And it certainly doesn't hurt that there are a few ex-Bungie employees at 343 either.
Thanks for reposting this. It was originally posted long before I even knew this site exited.
Laughing way harder than I should be at that orange thing. It wasn't that funny yet I'm laughing so hard it hurts.
As bad as EA is compared to other game companies, when you compare it with many of the companies on this list it doesn't even hold a candle up to the level of nastiness that they capable of. Some of these companies make EA look good.
This really wasn't as interesting to play around with as I expected. It just doesn't work very well in certain areas. It worked okay near where I work in downtown Boston but on my college campus in Boston it struggled with the oddly shaped buildings and big open spaces.
That's a nice touch. I know that people have been speculating that this would happen but it's nice to see the streamer actually implement it. It just makes the mythology of TPP that much cooler.
Wow this is a really cool idea. I can't wait to see where they go with this.
I don't know whether I should be amused or disturbed by this.
"The worst is when you are in party chat with team members that are ignorant and hateful. You can't just mute the player cause he's just a friend of a friend that's really good and you need to communicate with that player in order to win. I have very thick skin so I mostly just ignore it (while keeping tabs on the…
Yeah and then killed his Dragonite with a Venomoth half its level that only knew stun spore disable leech life and posionpowder. Then Blue destroyed them.
I don't find this surprising in the least. I feel like no one running our country knows anything about video games at all. This is what happens when people who don't know anything about video games try to make laws dealing with video games.