And yet...the production company isn’t being blamed. The surviving Queen members, who held all the power in this film production, aren’t being blamed. The studio isn’t being blamed.
And yet...the production company isn’t being blamed. The surviving Queen members, who held all the power in this film production, aren’t being blamed. The studio isn’t being blamed.
The casual, ha-ha-isn’t-sex-work-fun tone of this article is frankly irresponsible. That one paragraph addressing the downsides completely neglects the risk of public outing, stalking, and even violence findoms can face.
Unless you are a professional sex worker who knows how to do this shit properly, stop with the jokes and half-hearted copycatting. It’s sad. You’re sad. Leave this to the pros and stop gentrifying literally everything.
This is a fucked up and incorrect idea you are perpetrating that does real harm to survivors of child abuse.
This is not true. Don’t spread this type of offensive nonsense, please. It’s incredibly hurtful to those who have already been hurt.
“Generally, once molested, the victims grow up to be the molesters of the next generation”
Not true
No we fucking don’t
Generally, once molested, the victims grow up to be the molesters of the next generation
‘Generally’ meaning usually? No. The majority of victims do not become molesters.
EXACTLY. If this brave new world has you in fear of being accused of shitty behavior, LOOK INWARD. Fuck this is not that hard, people!!!!!!!;!!!!!:&’’’—!!
I’m a man, and contrary to what the media would have you believe, I’m not living my life in fear of being accused of sexual harassment and losing my job. Why? Because I make sure my behavior at work is above board and professional at all times, and that I treat my female colleagues with the respect they deserve as…
“The majority of women in the workplace are not tender creatures and are largely adept at dealing with all varieties of uncomfortable or hostile situations,” Roiphe wrote in the New York Timesin 2011. “Show me a smart, competent young professional woman who is utterly derailed by a verbal unwanted sexual advance or…
I was thinking how strange it is, how the murder of eight people engineered by a fuck-crazy white dude was SUCH A BIG DEAL while (presently) the regular slaughter of people by random angry white dudes barely gets a blink. Manson has been an infamous legend for those 8 murders for over 40 years. I’ll bet most Americans…
That’s one way to look at it. Good comment. Didn’t think of that possibility
He’s the boss’s go-to guy, which IS power. That makes this concerning to me. 22 is adult, but I feel like there’s still vulnerability there that Doc is ignoring. Better to tell the boss and risk being nosy than have it turn out some young new girl was being exploited and you did nothing to stop it.
I suspect you are a guy. It should NOT simply be considered to be OK for women to have to tolerate guys hitting on them when they are just trying to do their jobs. And from an HR perspective this type of situation is a nightmare, given that this is a senior employee approaching junior employees. Depending on what he…
Office romance guy, I know how you feel. It sucks to see someone loud and boisterous and annoying to you be charismatic and appealing to others. It also sucks to see behavior that seems outrageous to you (hitting on younger women while married) be accepted or even rewarded by others. It makes you question your own…
Hmmm... not exactly true.