Distingué Traces

Fireplaces seems woodsy and happified, but they are super-polluting.


I liked it.

In the nineties I was a Gay Youth, and I had a volunteer gig interviewing other Gay Youths about their sex lives on the streets of San Francisco for the purpose of non-judgmentally opening a dialogue about HIV risk and prevention.

had it been in tune, then....

Whispering but STILL off key. I love his songs (this one less so) but that performance was dire.

I actually don’t remember when people used to invade scientists’ homes.

This is also mistaken.

That’s a false stereotype.

It’s a tribute to Woody Allen’s 70s movie about dating a high school student.

Not necessarily fair — Joel Osteen’s “prosperity gospel” is a uniquely loathsome blend of the worst of the new age with the worst of Calvinism.

No one could get that famous today for murdering just nine people.

Nope. The movie’s just better.

The Shining.

I don’t entirely agree. A brand new employee is in a vulnerable position, and while the office Don Juan may not be their manager, he’s described as “the boss’s go-to guy” — which puts him in a position of influence.

Frankly it comes across to me as a control issue — not healthy even in a relationship where one person isn’t being pressed into a caretaker role.

Second letter: I also spent many years severely depressed when I was young. It sucked for me, and it sucked for everyone around me.

You’re just tossing out distractions.

Seriously in whose universe is an office holiday party anything other than torturous small talk over overcooked steaks?