Distingué Traces

It looks like it’s a Texas law that doesn’t exist in most other states.

Yeah, their age gap is totally fine.

This! So much! I can understand the article popping up once, but it’s been showing up persistently for what seems like weeks.

Even he? But he’s such a political animal!

Don’t be so naive! Did you know that under the reign of Hilary Clinton, saying the word “Christmas” was made illegal in Benghazi?

I’m curious about this retweet from his Twitter:

Yes, he is plainly trolling.

Except that in fact witnesses corroborated Ashley Fires’ version of what happened on that set.

I don’t care who the guy is, somewhere there are ten girls with the same stories about him, possibly true, possibly not, probably somewhere in the middle.

Is she deliberately making herself up to look faker than before?

On how many December 7ths in Erick Erickson childhood can this prohibition really have come into play?

The idea that an abused child is irreparably “not okay” forevermore isn’t true or helpful.

Aw. Poor John Kasich.

If you had asked me yesterday, “DT, do you think you’ll admire Norman Mailer less tomorrow than you do today?” I would have said no, as it would have seemed unlikely my opinion of him could be lowered.

scientific trappings scientific trappings scientific trappings COMPLETELY SUBJECTIVE INTERPRETIVE LEAP scientific-sounding conclusion


Context is needed for this one. I was 22, I had moved to an expensive city more than a year ago, and I could not find a permanent job in my field. I’d been temping occasionally (assignments were few and brief), eating through my savings and sinking further and further into depression as one prospect after another

International Toilet Day is a poop joke, yes, but it’s a poop joke that is intended to remind us of the reality that unequal access to clean water is lethal.

It’s hard to read any headline beginning “Former Employees” today without seeing it as Gawker’s self-commentary.

Any word from Vargas-Cooper on where she’s headed, or is it too soon?