Congrats to Tony X and his team.
Congrats to Tony X and his team.
Amazon won’t ship to me in NY, bummer.
Amazon won’t ship to me in NY, bummer.
Wanna trade cats?
Seriously, WTF Deadspin?
Epic long con
I once knew him as DRAGONZORD
“What if Jaime goes north to fight the White Walkers, dies in battle, and then in the final episode Arya uses his face to kill Cersei?”
I cried when Phillip Seymour Hoffman’s The Count decided to keep broadcasting and go down with the ship in Pirate Radio.
Almost bought this book yesterday!
“...setting up a matchup with either the Maple Leafs, Senators, or Bruins.”
You made hot hummus.
Late to the party but aren’t there 59 National Parks?
It has been fun to watch Golden State win all season. Turns out it is fun to watch them lose too.