Spoiler alert you grew up rich. The evidence I used was trips to Europe and Private college.
Spoiler alert you grew up rich. The evidence I used was trips to Europe and Private college.
forcibly turned away by protesters Friday when she attempted to enter a DC middle school
Not sure what comments you’re talking about, all of them seem pretty disgusted by this jackass, but I guess keep on fighting them windmills.
People have been commenting that “I’m supposed to trust doctors? Nurses?” because of this. Although it rings of that, sometimes it is more important to emphasize that the vast majority of medical professionals are trustworthy. No need to add to anxiety in a medical establishment.
Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of th- SQUIRREL!
My first cat died after a difficult bout of renal failure. It was horribly wrenching to watch her energy and spirits wane until the end. A couple of years later my mom died of metastasized cancer. My grief had a different color but both hurt me deeply in an unquantifiable way. My mom wouldn’t have been insulted to…
And then there are the people who find out your beloved dog (and sometimes only friend/companion/family) died and give you the same sympathy they’d offer if you lost your hair tie.
We get frequent flyers who come in so many times with nothing ever found on extensive testing, but they always demand pain meds. Sometimes when denied these pain meds, they get verbally and/or physically abusive. If we try to discharge a patient and they refuse to leave and are abusive towards staff, we call security…
People with status dramaticus receive worse care. It’s hard to properly assess someone who is always dying and in the worst pain ever
Eh, I can see “Electrolyte solution” getting translated into “vitamins”
Are you really asking this? Liability springs to mind - because that type of “mother” will sue a company into the ground if anything had happened, regardless of fault.
Honestly if I was briskly told “Stop It” by my boss, man or woman, when i was doing my job I would find it kinda rude. I simply provided alternatives that would have taken one the exact same amount of time to say and convey the message equally well.
Whenever someone refers to women as “females” I pretty much immediately know to keep on keeping on. Thanks for making your garbage opinion pretty obvious so I didn’t have to read all of your dreck.
You have two WOMEN you work with. Female is for pipe fittings and animals, not humans.
My first response, before even finishing the article:
Sometimes, when I’m driving to work, I think that I’d rather have a disabling accident than live through another week of bullshit. Not the same thing? Okay, I have nothing to offer here. Bless it, as we say here.
I’m pretty upset with how Jezebel readers are being so incredibly dismissive and actually shitty about this.
Nursing is a predominantly female occupation and as such has routinely been dismissed as a less than vocation for exactly that reason. We have to fight to be taken seriously ALL the time. I get shitty comments…