
Have either of you said ever said "I love you?" If so, what was the reaction from the other party? My last ex NEVER said it, and we were together for three years. He was absolutely terrified of the words, and conflated the idea of love with eternal lust. I knew that within the first year of our relationship but I

Lava cakes are where it's at. You can make them in delicious single-serving ramekins.

I only have one tattoo, and it's not very awesome, just script. But I really want another one soon. I've been flipping through anatomy books to find some inspiration. I'm almost done with nursing school, and I love all things anatomy related.

Thank you, I've tried to make an effort in the past few years to be more open, accepting, and understanding of others. Maybe I've gotten too good at it because I'm determined to see the good in my ex. It's hard to be disparaging, and maybe I need to stop building him up so much in my head.

You didn't say anything wrong at all! I just felt the need to explain (more for myself I guess), that I really doubt my ex feels any guilt about the break-up, or frustrated that his family still kept in contact with me. He is the king of cool cucumbers. I often wish he felt guilty, it would make him seem less of jerk

That's very true. I guess it really depends on the office atmosphere. A few of my past jobs have been very tight-knit groups where a grateful gesture like a gift-card would be perceived as nice and thoughtful, but I can think of other jobs where that isn't the case.

I really hope she wasn't upset that I declined her invites. I always tried to be sincerely apologetic and grateful that she extended them. :(

I don't think that it was entirely unnecessary if she felt that she needed an explanation. But it was incredibly glib. The wording was what was cold and strange. Maybe I just feel that way because I really try to avoid language of blame, and stating "you make it hard to talk to him or about him" seems pretty blame-y.

I don't think so. Would you do the same for a female coworker? If so, I don't see a problem with it. Just keep it casual and professional. And boo to people who would think you're kissing ass. I think it's wonderful to acknowledge and show appreciation for acts of kindness- not only with thank you cards and gifts, but

I have somewhat of a personal dilemma and I'd like some input.

I employed the good 'ole honesty shtick with a guy I went on a few dates with earlier in the summer. I was pretty up-front with the "hey, sorry not interested." He still texts every week and likes my posts on Instagram. I'm think he's just trying to be friendly? I'm too afraid to engage deeply in conversation in case

Not my recipe, but a friend made pumpkin/squash ravioli, that was excellent! I should have gotten the recipe he used, but I'm sure a quick Google would yield good results.

That's a bummer then. Hopefully it isn't too permanent of a living arrangement!

Yes. I was broken up with five months ago, and I have dreams about my ex on a somewhat regular basis. Maybe 2-3 times a month? They are usually weird and emotionally draining, and leave me feeling very upset when I wake up. It was a nasty break-up, and dreaming about him dregs up a lot of negative feelings (even if

I'd say just shrug it off. She may have anxiety or other issues related to making friends. I was a bit of a shut-in throughout college. It wasn't until later that I started to talk with people more easily without feeling like a disaster of emotions.

...Not really? I always thought Sunday Sign offs were open threads for any topic?

I am not ready for all of the feels I will experience during the finale! *anxiety*

You're right. Luckily, when I'm not feeling down about it, it is a relief in some ways.

Yes! It's so weird talking with someone who you thought you knew very well, but instead of that closeness all you can feel is distance. It's strange and unsettling.

I stupidly recontacted my ex-bf today. Talking with him just makes me realize how much he never cared about me. Ugh. What a way to end the weekend. :(