
No shit! That was a complete stab in the dark lol.

Gigi Gorgeous?

I agree with you about Michelle's judging so far this season. I appreciate that she loves the queens to death and is a mother hen to them on the road but I've always hated the way she critiques the queens on stage. Her critiques are either so damn vague (Give me more! But less!) or else she rips them to shreds. My

WTF was up with that?! If Ru can't be bothered to get into drag this season I'm gonna be super pissed.

Excellent point. I hope they devote part of an episode to Louisa's perspective. I suspect she's not the mean witch Alison paints her as being.

This show. I love it so much.

Is it possible Elsie was feverishly tapping a command on her tablet to save herself by commanding the host smash his own head instead of hers - or was she just trying to get him back into sleep mode.

Elsie asked Stubbs if he was Galileo and he said something about that being part of his backstory. Also, Stubbs questioned where she was going when she wandered off - to which she replied, she needed to vector (pee). Since Stubbs never relieved himself, does that mean he's a host and Elsie is real?

If only Quarry would wash his hair and stop mumbling….

I thought her father briefly morphed back into Abernathy as she looked down at him, which made me think it was in the present. But I admit, I'm confused. [shrugs]

I don't think it's about the money or being on a reality show, strictly speaking. I'm no Dr. Phil but in my limited exposure to ex-addicts, each replaced a bad addiction with a 'healthier' one, like finding religion, obsessively working out, adopting a vegan diet, etc.

I'm also willing to cut Alaska some slack for her bratty outburst. She didn't lash out at the other queens, she placed the blame where it belongs, on herself. Like Alyssa, who admitted she focused on work after her mother's death as a way of coping with that loss, Alaska has focused on work as a way of avoiding the

That struck me too. Up until last week, when Alaska saved Roxxxy (again!), she could do no wrong. Even coming out in a fucking trash bag as her first runway look, revealing Lil Poundcake as the second, didn't get one ounce of criticism.

I understand the appeal of seeing supportive family members and hearing gut wrenching backstories, but in this episode, waaaaaay too much time was devoted to the weeping in the workroom. They could have easily cut a few minutes from that and shown the vogue performances in their entirety. Then again, maybe the

OMG, I loooove that dog.

Ru picks the bottom two, and knows which lipstick is chosen before the lip sync begins so she still has a hand in who goes home. Katya admitted at a viewing party that she'd picked Roxxxy - which means Ru chose Alaska as the winner so that Tati would go home. If Ru disagreed with Alaska's choice, the lip sync was

Big-eyed turd is right. You'd think Aubrey would be more knowledgable about drag queens - she looks like one herself.

Ru knows which lipstick is chosen before the lip sync. Katya confirmed that at a viewing party last night.

Katya and Ginger hosted a viewing party at Roscoe's last night where she said she'd picked Roxxxy to sashay.

I want to be Dixie Normis.