
Was PhiPhi trying to be funny when she asked if she could sell Ru's statue for $10,000? Ouch. It's her tone (very pointed!), more so than her words. Alaska or Alyssa could probably say the same thing and make it sound funny.

Toddy and Carson both loved Alyssa's runway but Michelle snapped their heads off, claiming they gave Alyssa a pass because she's funny and entertaining. Michelle is an ass sometimes. I love Alaska but let's be honest, her first look was nothing more than a fucking trash bag. But because her Poundcake was so awesome,

That doesn't surprise me. She's shown up at the promos out of drag.

I hated the way PhiPhi acted in Season 4 and although her drag has vastly improved, I'm still not a huge fan. However, it's pretty clear she's getting the mean girl edit in a season when there aren't really any mean girls. She still pulls some shady shit like swapping roles with Roxxy but then Alaska did the same

Porkchop!! ….. made me smile.

I miss The Soup so much. :=[

Well … $100,000 isn't chump change ;=]
Other than that, I don't know what winning All Stars gets you.

Yeah, Phi Phi had a few moments with Sharon in the workroom (go back to Party City, where you belong) but in my memory, she was much, much nastier to Willam, especially in Untucked.

I call that a cockeyed tuck lol.

Even more interesting are Season 1's Under the Hood episodes. (Under the Hood was renamed Untucked in later seasons)
Under the Hood for Season 1, Episode 1:

Adore also clarified, during that periscope, that it wasn't only Michelle's critique that shook her up; Raven Simone made a cruel comment and Carson also said some harsh stuff (or at least, Adore found their comments harsh) which, piled on top of Michelle's critique, put her in a bad head space.

True, Ru appeared to be supportive of Adore's decision to quit when she spoke to her, and then Alaska, in the workroom. But by the time the queens hit the runway, she sounded peeved about it and pretty much barked at them, Are you in it to win it?? Because you've been given a golden opportunity to promote your brand

Season 1 is still around but it's difficult to find. OUTtv (in Canada) aired it about a month ago. My favourite celebrity guest that season was Cazwell!

What annoys me the most about Michelle's critiques is her stank face when another judge disagrees with her. She thinks she's always right and that her opinion is the only one that should count. Plus her critiques are often incredibly vague. Carson read her for filth when he imitated her last season, "we want more..

Yeah, I don't want to see more of Coco. She shouldn't have been on All Stars in the first place and her 'Old Hollywood' performance confirmed that. Roxxy made the right choice.

The producers made the call to remove She-Mail, not Ru. When Ru was interviewed on Marc Maron's WTF podcast, he directly addressed the decision by producers to re-edit the season to remove the word “she-mail” from every episode:

I was hoping Kevin would be Patrick's end game too but that's my heart speaking. A relationship that starts out as an affair, especially a work affair, has a lot of baggage to overcome and there's a good chance it'll crash and burn. At least that's been my personal experience - twice! (I know, I'm a slow learner,

I think Ru's intention is for the queens' back stories to be a source of inspiration to viewers that are struggling with family or self image issues. But it's wrong to force the queens to spill their guts as part of the Final Challenge, especially if they're not comfortable doing that on tv. Most of the back stories

Shit, I'm sorry, I forgot Raja is Asian! My bad. I still think Kim Chi has a unique Asian aesthetic that hasn't been done before. I agree with Ross, she's taking drag in a new and different direction; she would be a real draw on the BOTS tours.

Kim Chi for the win because:
1. No Asian queen has won before
2. A fashion queen won last year and a comedy queen won the year before that. Time for a shake-up.
3. Kim Chi's mother doesn't even know she does drag. If Kim Chi's mother comes to the finale, and sees her boychik win the motherfucking crown and $100,000 …