
Oh, sorry! I misunderstood lol.

Thank you for posting your interview and video of Sasha's performance. I'm so impressed by how much thought she puts into it.

Shea performed a great dance routine as Blac Chyna and also in the rap challenge, but those were choreographed for her. Maybe she can't choreograph her own numbers, because for the finale, she danced like she was at a bar, not on a stage, competing for the crown. Sasha had a carefully staged and choreographed

I don't understand the outrage over the format of the finale this year, that winning the crown came down to one last lip sync challenge. So what? How is that different to any episode of RPDR? Each week, the queens that fall in the bottom 2 are forced to lip sync as a last ditch effort to stay in the competition. How

Peppermint made it to the final round and she only won one challenge.
Shea only won two solo challenges, so she was behind Trinity who had three solo wins.
Sasha was the only finalist that never had to lip sync.
In the end, you can add up the points any number of ways, but I feel that Shea, Trinity and Sasha equally

I agree. I would only add that even though Sasha didn't win as many challenges as Trinity and Shea, she was bottom 3 only once, never had to lip sync and several times, placed second to the winner. So Sasha really did perform as well as Shea and Trinity all season, imo.

Yup. Ru says it every week, "the final decision is mine."

Shangela looked gorgeous tonight! I met her at Pride five years ago. OUTtv had a booth where you could have a little chat and a photo taken with her so it was more like a meet and greet. This was ions before BOTS tours started. She was very sweet and already more polished than she'd been in her season but damn, she is

YES YES YES, I agree 100% with every word of your post (though not being from LA, I'll have to take your word about the Alex Theatre, LOL!). Valid points, all of them.

Farrah looked cute but when she turned sideways, you could see that her wig was completely flat in the back. Because the wig was so high, the flatness in the back looked especially odd. Pink wigs really suit her skin tone though.

I was a little taken aback when Shea trashed Sasha's cowgirl look so hard given that the two of them had been pretty tight throughout the season. From the look on Sasha's face, she was more than a little surprised by it too.

Wow, I had no idea. Thank you for enlightening me as I don't follow any queens on social media and only post here. That's deplorable.

"I love you."
"You don't love me!"
I died when Farrah fired that missile. She'd had it. Officially!!

That is a brilliant idea. Fan Favourite that the fans vote for and Miss Congeniality that the queens pick. Surely the cheap bastards can cough up another $5,000 for that.

Nina nodding and waving her finger at Shea's pitch perfect imitation of Valentina was one of the best moments of the reunion for me.

wtf is right. Even after being called out for not having any of the qualities normally associated with Miss Congeniality, Valentina tried to repeat her canned response, in her most syrupy fake voice, "my mother taught me to be kind and forgiving…". But she was immediately cut off by the queens, who all jeered at her

Although I was very disappointed with Sasha for basically wearing the same look as her entrance outfit - except for the colour and a big floppy flower pin on her chest - Shea's look was the absolute worst. I suppose she's a lock for the win (she certainly is confident about that!) but she should have been read for

I watched the show when it aired and was stunned when he said The Word. My immediate reaction was, how did he make the leap to THAT comment!? I suppose I don't understand this particular thought/joke process of his because I'm not American and don't share your history with slavery. I would have said something like,

Ru posted on Twitter several years ago that Zaldy has designed all of his gowns since 1992, so if that Japanese gown was designed by someone else, it was pretty shady to have Zaldy be a judge for that particular episode.

He apologized, fine, but what I want to know is, How does that word enter your head in the first place? It indicates to me that he's used it before, just not on tv or on stage. It was a Freudian slip which concerns me more than him saying it once on live tv.