
I rarely understand what Michelle is getting at in her critiques. Raja and Violet were "high fashion" and she creamed her pants over them. Sasha has been consistently "high fashion" every week, so why wait until now to suddenly call her out for that. Maybe she means Sasha's drag is too high brow. I find her drag style

Sasha being overlooked this season reminds me of the way the judges overlooked Nina Flowers in Season 1. Too outside the box for them, me thinks.

Oh, you are not alone, Motard, Duncan's personality and sense of humour did it for me too. Especially when he patted Sasha's hand, after Ru's walk around, and said in a loud stage whisper, "we have to keep it fun".

Ru was drop dead gorgeous tonight. That gown… !! Her ruby red lips made me happy cuz I don't care for the nude lip she's been sporting lately. And for once the middle of her face wasn't plastered with highlighter. This is the best she's looked all season.

Ru wanted to keep Valentina. That lip sync was hers for the taking, and she'd still be in the running but she didn't remove the mask, had the nerve to ask to keep it on AFTER RU STOPPED THE MUSIC and then showed the judges and the world that she couldn't be bothered to learn the lyrics. Regardless of whether she

I wouldn't call Alexis a villain. Her desperation is very annoying though.

It was like pulling teeth but Michelle got her to admit she didn't know the song in Whatcha Packin'.

Why make Nina lipsync against Alexis unless you want a double elimination, because the writing is on the wall, both have one foot out the door. Ru waited a long time to stop the music, as if she was waiting for Valentina to remove the mask as part of her performance. She wanted to keep Valentina, not Nina. But when

I agree that Ru is just going through the motions now. The workroom walkarounds are few and far between and when they are featured, they're painful. All he can say is, "make it funny", or "see you on the main stage", there's little constructive criticism anymore.

I am tired of looking at Michelle's tits every week.

I found it telling that Valentina didn't bother listening to the song until the 5 minute warning. That makes me think that, despite saying she thought she'd be in the bottom, she didn't actually believe it.

Shea looked shocked when Nina came for her… my first reaction was, "no good deed goes unpunished". I agree, it's best to keep your distance from someone like Nina.

Nina was downright ugly to Shea, of all people. She rips into her biggest supporter like that? And on top of the scene she made in the workroom a few weeks back, accusing Aja of stealing her makeup? If that's the way she is with the Atlanta queens, the cold shoulder she's been given at home is probably justified. I

I should have kept my mouth shut, lol. I hate to spoil stuff for others. Years ago I used to post on a soap opera board about Young and the Restless and it would drive the American posters crazy when we Canadians would spoil stuff (the show aired one day ahead in Canada). All I'll say is that this time Alexis owns her

I love me a Broadway queen and I still feel Alexis has talent but she crashed and burned this week. Her overreaction to the library reads, the bad delivery of bad roast jokes, the weird green makeup (at first glance I thought her breast pads were hanging out - then I realized it was just a bad paint job), the sad Mrs.

I forgot about Serena's flag. I was reminded of Raven pulling a pad out of her bra and wiping her face with it during a lip sync.

Untucked is painful, but not because of Alexis.

I really miss those mini challenges. My drag race viewing partner claims that the mini challenges are still happening but aren't being shown. If that's true, it's a crying shame.

It's absolutely essential to watch Untucked. I'm in Canada so Untucked airs right after the episode (thank you OUTtv) but the rest of you have to wait until the next day to see the total picture. What a pain in the ass. The bonus clips on Logo's site also provide a lot of insight. If the straight world or new viewers

I had pretty much written off Peppermint - she flubbed all her lines in Good Morning Bitches and was a disaster as Nene Leakes on Snatch Game. But hot damn, the girl pulled up her socks and nailed her roles of team leader and performer this week. Plus her runway was total glam. I loooove her curvy curves.